New member
- Jul 5, 2013
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Thought it might be a good idea to keep track of all the Facebook and forum correspondence that FarSight has made about various unreleased tables that we've been requesting.
The below list is based on research I've done of the last several months worth of requests on Facebook that FarSight has responded to, with their exact quote. As they comment further on other tables that are requested, feel free to post in this thread and I will update this post with all other table updates.
I don't generally check pinball forums other than this one, so if FarSight has responded in greater detail or about tables not covered below, please feel free to respond with the exact quote of what they said and I will update the list.
Just thought it'd be nice to keep it all in one place.
Specific Table Requests:
AC/DC - "ACDC carries an astronomical license."
Aces High - "Not right now" "demand for it is so low that we didn't plan on re-releasing it with our current license deals, instead planning to repurpose those licenses for more popular tables by the same manufacturer."
The Addams Family - "We've recently made a bit more progress, we've heard back from paramount from someone a little higher up than we were speaking to before, but we still don't have a completely clear path yet... progress is always good though
" "the most difficult license we've ever pursued (aside from Indiana Jones which seems to be impossible), we're still trying to get the Addam's Family, but we have to find a way to overcome the hurdles with the licensing of that table, which is proving to be extremely daunting."
Back to the Future - "slim (chance) this season" and "mediocre (chance of seeing it on TPA)"
Baffle Ball - "probably not"
Banzai Run - "Possible, yes, likely no."... in response to whether BR was possible for TPA "Definitely on our radar... perhaps in the next season pack at some point, but we're not sure ourselves yet."
Baywatch - "Never really thought about it, no one's ever asked for it before."
Big Bang Bar - "Licensing isn't the problem, emulating the chipset used would take a ton of horsepower."
Big Buck Hunter - "not sure yet."
Bigfoot - "This is the first time anyone has mentioned bigfoot, but if we notice a lot more demand for it perhaps we'll give it some closer consideration for a future release."
Big Guns - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Blackout - "Probably not" "Very similar layout to gorgar..."
Bonebusters - "Looks pretty cool, probably won't make it to this season though."
Bram Stoker's Dracula - "Great game.
" "Maybe someday."
Breakshot - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Catacomb - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Corvette - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA) "Corvette is a great table, but it doesn't get brought up a lot around here, and the license would probably be pretty big, again this was coming from Steve Snow, not farsight, just my insight as an employee... but I don't think we have much of a chance at getting Corvette out this season with the other cool stuff we have planned."
Cyclone - "considering" "That's definitely high on our list of requested tables."
Defender - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Devil's Dare - "never had any requests (for it)"
Diner - "It is a very fun table, and one we're hoping to do in the future at some point." "Definitely a frequent request."
Dolly Parton - "(not) planned for the immediate future..."
Dr. Who - slim to none on chances of ever being made "every Dr. who on the table, Bally, and the BBC would all want checks."
Dungeons & Dragons - "Would be an interesting license to pursue, perhaps someday"
Earthshaker! - (indicated a 5 or 6 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Eight Ball (Deluxe) - "(not) planned for the immediate future..." "We liked CBW (Cue Ball Wizard) a lot better too, which is why we made it"
Elektra - "no plans for Elektra at this time."
F-14 Tomcat - "Definitely a popular table, not confirming anything at this point though"
Family Guy - "would have to be in Pinball After Dark" "We'd love to make this one, but it'd be pretty expensive to get the license."
Fathom - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Fire! - "Love the layout!"
Fireball - "(it) may (be added at some point)"
Firepower II - "That's not on the way anytime soon. Maybe at some point down the road though."
Flash - "We have some higher demand tables we'd like to get to first." "Perhaps we'll get around to it at some point."
Flash Gordon - "no plans" (previously indicated they've not gotten a lot of requests for it)
The Flintstones - "Probably won't be pursuing this one any time soon, we have a lot of highly requested tables we'd like to get to first, with less costly licenses." "Near future, probably not."
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball - "Never heard of it... if we start getting a lot of requests for it we may look into it." "Isn't on our list of top 20 most requested tables at this point."
Freefall - "no plans for this table at the moment"
Future Spa - "We can confirm that "Future Spa" will most certainly not be in our next pack, nor have we ever had a single request for it. But if the community as a whole ever begins to show interest in that table we'll look into it someday."
Game Show - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Genesis - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
The Getaway - "Definitely high on our list of desired tables..."
Gilligan's Island - "Nice, but pretty hard to license."
GoldenEye - "too many [avenues to go down to get on TPA] at the moment but maybe some day."
Guns N' Roses - "We've had quite a few requests for that one, not in the works at this time though."
Harlem Globetrotters - "unlikely"
Hercules - "(not) on our high-demand list at the moment, and hercules was kind of gimmicky because it was huge, nothing too special about the gameplay, hard to replicate the gimmick."
High Roller Casino - (indicated a "4ish" out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
High Speed - "nope... not at this time."
Hook - "depends, that may be a tough license to get."
Humpty Dumpty - "probably not"
Hurricane - "Cyclone almost unanimously does better in polls"
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure - "There's probably no way we'll ever be able to get the license."
Indianapolis 500 - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Jack Bot - "it's definitely on our radar."
Jack in the Box - "maybe someday"
Jive Time - "not sure"
Joker Poker - "Probably not.
" "We might... not in the cards at the moment though"
Joust - "maybe some day but not soon"
Judge Dredd - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Jumping Jack - "maybe someday"
Jurassic Park - "probably not unless we get lucky and can make a good deal"
King Kong - "Probably not in the near future at least, but we are looking into data east."
KISS - "It's a huge license for what many consider to be a pretty poor table, so the odds that we'll pursue it are slim."
Knock Out - "probably not"
Krull (Gottlieb Prototype) - "Not likely any time soon"
Laser War - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Lethal Weapon 3 - "We have looked into it, and may add it at some point."
Lightning - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Lord of the Rings - "If we can find a way to make (it) happen, we will... great table we'd love to have in our game, however (it's not) likely any time soon."
Lost World (Bally) - "maybe some day"
Mars God of War - "cool table"
Metallica - "Maybe some day"
Millionaire - "Probably not, we haven't gotten any requests for it up until now."
Mousin' Around - "Not planned at this point"
NASCAR - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
NBA Fastbreak - "Never heard of fastbreak"
Nine Ball - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
No Fear: Dangerous Sports - "At some point maybe."
Orbitor 1 - "Orbitor 1 will probably never make it to the game"
Party Zone - "(We are) thinking about it." "we have looked into party zone, but don't have it for sure on the docket at this point." (previously indicated a 6 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Phantom of the Opera - "Great table. Maybe someday."
Pharaoh - "looks slightly similar to black knight"
Pinball Circus - "probably not..." "Gimmicky, but it would be interesting."
Pirate Gold - "umm... no"
Pirates of the Caribbean - "would be a difficult if not impossible license to obtain.
Playboy - "(not) planned for the immediate future..."
Radical! - "looks pretty cool... never had a request for this one before..."
Rescue 911 - "Not on our immediate list, but maybe someday" "This has had a high number of requests... not guaranteeing anything this season, but we know it's a popular one."
Revenge From Mars - "No, we do not have any plans to add pinball 2000 tables to our game at this point."
Riverboat Gambler - "Not in our plans at the moment"
Road Show - "Great table" "it is" (in the top 20 games they're looking at)
RoboCop - "slim (chance) this season" "Robocop is pretty awesome" "That's definitely high on our list of big-license tables, however we do not have it officially licensed or scheduled for development at this time."
Rollercoaster Tycoon - "According to Gary Stern, we already did that one
" "We can confirm that we HAVEN'T done that one, yet. We'd love to at some point though."
Rollergames - "no." "I just watched a video for it, the gameplay looks good, but the music hurt my brain..."
Royal Flush - "We might... not in the cards at the moment though"
Safe Cracker - (indicated a 6 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Sharkey's Shootout - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Shrek - "Probably not any time soon, we don't get a lot of requests for it."
Silverball Mania - "We've had a couple requests for it, but not enough to put it on our highly demanded list at this point."
The Simpsons Pinball Party - "Not any time soon" "Yes, it is on our "maybe one day released" list."
Sinbad - "Not any time soon."
The Six Million Dollar Man - "Not at this time."
Slick Chick - "probably not"
Solar Fire - "Cool table, probably not going to be released in season 3 though." "It's nowhere near the top of our "most requested" list, we'll tell you that."
The Sopranos - "5? (out of 10 chance of seeing it on TPA) Hard to say really..."
Space Invaders - "Space invaders lost a case for copyright infringement to the (H.R.) Giger estate for ripping off xenomorphs from aliens, so that'd probably be a no go."
Special Force - "Never had a request for it til now, looks like a lot of fun though."
Spectrum - "We'll look into it, no plans for that one at the moment though."
Spirit - "Not exactly an "in-demand" table. looks coolish though, the outlane flippers are an interesting idea."
Spirit of '76 - "probably not"
Sorcerer - "maybe" "we'd like to do sorcerer, we traded that license for fish tales last season, however. We don't have a final answer on that matter yet... but we are looking into it." "what we mean is that we had one left on the previous contract, which we decided to use on fish tales instead of sorcerer."
Stargate - "Perhaps someday!"
Star Trek - "Not very high (chance) for the near future, but as Eric said, Day 1 emulation would be great and is something we'd love to do if we can find a way to make it work."
Strikes and Spares - "Not right now"
Super Mario Bros. - "slim to none due to nintendo licensing issues"
Swords of Fury - "Not a lot of chance for that one any time in the near future."
Tales From the Crypt - "Perhaps at some point, we haven't ruled it out." (3-26-14)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - "great table but unlikely"
Terminator 3 - "We got the only Terminator we're going to be able to get for a while unfortunately. (which stinks because this particular facebook rep loves that table)"
Thunderball (Williams Prototype) - "Looks pretty nifty"
Time Warp - "Probably not for season 3"
Tommy: The Who's - "we aren't sure how feasible getting the rights to Tommy is going to be right away."
Trail Drive - "Probably not... you're the only person who's ever mentioned it here."
Transformers - "Not for the foreseeable future, no."
Viper Night Drivin' - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Wheel of Fortune - "This table isn't particularly high on our list of popularly requested tables."
The Wizard of Oz - "If we can find a way to make (it) happen, we will... great table we'd love to have in our game, however (it's not) likely any time soon."
World Cup Soccer '94 - "Probably not going to make it to the game any time soon." "would be a huge license"
Xenon - "Maybe" "Not at the moment, but perhaps someday."
Other Issues/Requests:
Atari Machines from the 70s - "Not likely at this point..."
Physics Updates - "Things like live catches and ball spin are on our list of things we'd love to add, as well as being able to have the ball bounce when it hits things hard more like a real table, however once again these enhancements could break a lot of things, would be difficult to code, and would require hundreds of man hours of testing... we see no practical way to pursue them at the moment."
Season 2 Tables on PS4 - "As soon as we can upgrade all of the tables, probably not for at least a couple months though, we'll start releasing new content before it comes out though."
SEGA and Data East Tables - "We are hoping to (add them), yes." "Data East specialized in high-end licensed tables. While we are all pinball fans just like you and would love to pursue them, there are many popular tables that have been requested that require lower license fees that we would like to reproduce first. It's definitely something that's on our radar however."
(Recent) Stern Tables - "Many sterns that we'd like to pursue are newer, high-license tables, which makes it difficult or impossible to simply release them without some sort of additional funding, such as a kickstarter. The highest-requested tables WITHOUT huge licenses come almost exclusively from bally and williams... with some gottleibs sprinkled in." "Wouldn't count on those superhero tables any time soon without kickstarters."
The below list is based on research I've done of the last several months worth of requests on Facebook that FarSight has responded to, with their exact quote. As they comment further on other tables that are requested, feel free to post in this thread and I will update this post with all other table updates.
I don't generally check pinball forums other than this one, so if FarSight has responded in greater detail or about tables not covered below, please feel free to respond with the exact quote of what they said and I will update the list.
Just thought it'd be nice to keep it all in one place.
Specific Table Requests:
AC/DC - "ACDC carries an astronomical license."
Aces High - "Not right now" "demand for it is so low that we didn't plan on re-releasing it with our current license deals, instead planning to repurpose those licenses for more popular tables by the same manufacturer."
The Addams Family - "We've recently made a bit more progress, we've heard back from paramount from someone a little higher up than we were speaking to before, but we still don't have a completely clear path yet... progress is always good though
Back to the Future - "slim (chance) this season" and "mediocre (chance of seeing it on TPA)"
Baffle Ball - "probably not"
Banzai Run - "Possible, yes, likely no."... in response to whether BR was possible for TPA "Definitely on our radar... perhaps in the next season pack at some point, but we're not sure ourselves yet."
Baywatch - "Never really thought about it, no one's ever asked for it before."
Big Bang Bar - "Licensing isn't the problem, emulating the chipset used would take a ton of horsepower."
Big Buck Hunter - "not sure yet."
Bigfoot - "This is the first time anyone has mentioned bigfoot, but if we notice a lot more demand for it perhaps we'll give it some closer consideration for a future release."
Big Guns - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Blackout - "Probably not" "Very similar layout to gorgar..."
Bonebusters - "Looks pretty cool, probably won't make it to this season though."
Bram Stoker's Dracula - "Great game.
Breakshot - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Catacomb - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Corvette - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA) "Corvette is a great table, but it doesn't get brought up a lot around here, and the license would probably be pretty big, again this was coming from Steve Snow, not farsight, just my insight as an employee... but I don't think we have much of a chance at getting Corvette out this season with the other cool stuff we have planned."
Cyclone - "considering" "That's definitely high on our list of requested tables."
Defender - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Devil's Dare - "never had any requests (for it)"
Diner - "It is a very fun table, and one we're hoping to do in the future at some point." "Definitely a frequent request."
Dolly Parton - "(not) planned for the immediate future..."
Dr. Who - slim to none on chances of ever being made "every Dr. who on the table, Bally, and the BBC would all want checks."
Dungeons & Dragons - "Would be an interesting license to pursue, perhaps someday"
Earthshaker! - (indicated a 5 or 6 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Eight Ball (Deluxe) - "(not) planned for the immediate future..." "We liked CBW (Cue Ball Wizard) a lot better too, which is why we made it"
Elektra - "no plans for Elektra at this time."
F-14 Tomcat - "Definitely a popular table, not confirming anything at this point though"
Family Guy - "would have to be in Pinball After Dark" "We'd love to make this one, but it'd be pretty expensive to get the license."
Fathom - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Fire! - "Love the layout!"
Fireball - "(it) may (be added at some point)"
Firepower II - "That's not on the way anytime soon. Maybe at some point down the road though."
Flash - "We have some higher demand tables we'd like to get to first." "Perhaps we'll get around to it at some point."
Flash Gordon - "no plans" (previously indicated they've not gotten a lot of requests for it)
The Flintstones - "Probably won't be pursuing this one any time soon, we have a lot of highly requested tables we'd like to get to first, with less costly licenses." "Near future, probably not."
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball - "Never heard of it... if we start getting a lot of requests for it we may look into it." "Isn't on our list of top 20 most requested tables at this point."
Freefall - "no plans for this table at the moment"
Future Spa - "We can confirm that "Future Spa" will most certainly not be in our next pack, nor have we ever had a single request for it. But if the community as a whole ever begins to show interest in that table we'll look into it someday."
Game Show - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Genesis - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
The Getaway - "Definitely high on our list of desired tables..."
Gilligan's Island - "Nice, but pretty hard to license."
GoldenEye - "too many [avenues to go down to get on TPA] at the moment but maybe some day."
Guns N' Roses - "We've had quite a few requests for that one, not in the works at this time though."
Harlem Globetrotters - "unlikely"
Hercules - "(not) on our high-demand list at the moment, and hercules was kind of gimmicky because it was huge, nothing too special about the gameplay, hard to replicate the gimmick."
High Roller Casino - (indicated a "4ish" out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
High Speed - "nope... not at this time."
Hook - "depends, that may be a tough license to get."
Humpty Dumpty - "probably not"
Hurricane - "Cyclone almost unanimously does better in polls"
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure - "There's probably no way we'll ever be able to get the license."
Indianapolis 500 - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Jack Bot - "it's definitely on our radar."
Jack in the Box - "maybe someday"
Jive Time - "not sure"
Joker Poker - "Probably not.
Joust - "maybe some day but not soon"
Judge Dredd - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Jumping Jack - "maybe someday"
Jurassic Park - "probably not unless we get lucky and can make a good deal"
King Kong - "Probably not in the near future at least, but we are looking into data east."
KISS - "It's a huge license for what many consider to be a pretty poor table, so the odds that we'll pursue it are slim."
Knock Out - "probably not"
Krull (Gottlieb Prototype) - "Not likely any time soon"
Laser War - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Lethal Weapon 3 - "We have looked into it, and may add it at some point."
Lightning - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Lord of the Rings - "If we can find a way to make (it) happen, we will... great table we'd love to have in our game, however (it's not) likely any time soon."
Lost World (Bally) - "maybe some day"
Mars God of War - "cool table"
Metallica - "Maybe some day"
Millionaire - "Probably not, we haven't gotten any requests for it up until now."
Mousin' Around - "Not planned at this point"
NASCAR - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
NBA Fastbreak - "Never heard of fastbreak"
Nine Ball - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
No Fear: Dangerous Sports - "At some point maybe."
Orbitor 1 - "Orbitor 1 will probably never make it to the game"
Party Zone - "(We are) thinking about it." "we have looked into party zone, but don't have it for sure on the docket at this point." (previously indicated a 6 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Phantom of the Opera - "Great table. Maybe someday."
Pharaoh - "looks slightly similar to black knight"
Pinball Circus - "probably not..." "Gimmicky, but it would be interesting."
Pirate Gold - "umm... no"
Pirates of the Caribbean - "would be a difficult if not impossible license to obtain.
Playboy - "(not) planned for the immediate future..."
Radical! - "looks pretty cool... never had a request for this one before..."
Rescue 911 - "Not on our immediate list, but maybe someday" "This has had a high number of requests... not guaranteeing anything this season, but we know it's a popular one."
Revenge From Mars - "No, we do not have any plans to add pinball 2000 tables to our game at this point."
Riverboat Gambler - "Not in our plans at the moment"
Road Show - "Great table" "it is" (in the top 20 games they're looking at)
RoboCop - "slim (chance) this season" "Robocop is pretty awesome" "That's definitely high on our list of big-license tables, however we do not have it officially licensed or scheduled for development at this time."
Rollercoaster Tycoon - "According to Gary Stern, we already did that one
Rollergames - "no." "I just watched a video for it, the gameplay looks good, but the music hurt my brain..."
Royal Flush - "We might... not in the cards at the moment though"
Safe Cracker - (indicated a 6 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Sharkey's Shootout - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Shrek - "Probably not any time soon, we don't get a lot of requests for it."
Silverball Mania - "We've had a couple requests for it, but not enough to put it on our highly demanded list at this point."
The Simpsons Pinball Party - "Not any time soon" "Yes, it is on our "maybe one day released" list."
Sinbad - "Not any time soon."
The Six Million Dollar Man - "Not at this time."
Slick Chick - "probably not"
Solar Fire - "Cool table, probably not going to be released in season 3 though." "It's nowhere near the top of our "most requested" list, we'll tell you that."
The Sopranos - "5? (out of 10 chance of seeing it on TPA) Hard to say really..."
Space Invaders - "Space invaders lost a case for copyright infringement to the (H.R.) Giger estate for ripping off xenomorphs from aliens, so that'd probably be a no go."
Special Force - "Never had a request for it til now, looks like a lot of fun though."
Spectrum - "We'll look into it, no plans for that one at the moment though."
Spirit - "Not exactly an "in-demand" table. looks coolish though, the outlane flippers are an interesting idea."
Spirit of '76 - "probably not"
Sorcerer - "maybe" "we'd like to do sorcerer, we traded that license for fish tales last season, however. We don't have a final answer on that matter yet... but we are looking into it." "what we mean is that we had one left on the previous contract, which we decided to use on fish tales instead of sorcerer."
Stargate - "Perhaps someday!"
Star Trek - "Not very high (chance) for the near future, but as Eric said, Day 1 emulation would be great and is something we'd love to do if we can find a way to make it work."
Strikes and Spares - "Not right now"
Super Mario Bros. - "slim to none due to nintendo licensing issues"
Swords of Fury - "Not a lot of chance for that one any time in the near future."
Tales From the Crypt - "Perhaps at some point, we haven't ruled it out." (3-26-14)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - "great table but unlikely"
Terminator 3 - "We got the only Terminator we're going to be able to get for a while unfortunately. (which stinks because this particular facebook rep loves that table)"
Thunderball (Williams Prototype) - "Looks pretty nifty"
Time Warp - "Probably not for season 3"
Tommy: The Who's - "we aren't sure how feasible getting the rights to Tommy is going to be right away."
Trail Drive - "Probably not... you're the only person who's ever mentioned it here."
Transformers - "Not for the foreseeable future, no."
Viper Night Drivin' - (indicated a 0 out of 10 chance of being in TPA)
Wheel of Fortune - "This table isn't particularly high on our list of popularly requested tables."
The Wizard of Oz - "If we can find a way to make (it) happen, we will... great table we'd love to have in our game, however (it's not) likely any time soon."
World Cup Soccer '94 - "Probably not going to make it to the game any time soon." "would be a huge license"
Xenon - "Maybe" "Not at the moment, but perhaps someday."
Other Issues/Requests:
Atari Machines from the 70s - "Not likely at this point..."
Physics Updates - "Things like live catches and ball spin are on our list of things we'd love to add, as well as being able to have the ball bounce when it hits things hard more like a real table, however once again these enhancements could break a lot of things, would be difficult to code, and would require hundreds of man hours of testing... we see no practical way to pursue them at the moment."
Season 2 Tables on PS4 - "As soon as we can upgrade all of the tables, probably not for at least a couple months though, we'll start releasing new content before it comes out though."
SEGA and Data East Tables - "We are hoping to (add them), yes." "Data East specialized in high-end licensed tables. While we are all pinball fans just like you and would love to pursue them, there are many popular tables that have been requested that require lower license fees that we would like to reproduce first. It's definitely something that's on our radar however."
(Recent) Stern Tables - "Many sterns that we'd like to pursue are newer, high-license tables, which makes it difficult or impossible to simply release them without some sort of additional funding, such as a kickstarter. The highest-requested tables WITHOUT huge licenses come almost exclusively from bally and williams... with some gottleibs sprinkled in." "Wouldn't count on those superhero tables any time soon without kickstarters."
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