So this weekend I attended the first ever Vintage Flipper World (VFW) event in Ann Arbor Michigan and figured I would post some pictures from the event. This was an absolutely fantastic event for any pinball fan to attend. Initially I heard about VFW on Kickstarter where they were looking to open up a pinball museum but needed a new roof for the building. I kicked in some money and so did a bunch of other people and by the end it basically doubled its goal. So off they went in fixing up the place and moving about 200 pinball machines in the building.
They eventually put together their first event but wanted to do something a bit different than the other expos. Basically sell limited tickets so there wouldn't be overcrowding. And not run tournaments where you could only play the machines if you paid. I've been to a few events now and typically the ratio is something like 15:1 of people to pinball machines. So basically the most popular and latest pins have constant lines. Meaning if you want to play you have to wait a few minutes to do so. VFW largely eliminated that issue with the limited ticket sales. The Friday night ratio was like 1:10 of people to pinball machines - unheard of. And Saturday was more like 1:1 which is amazing in it self for an event like this.
So I got myself tickets for Friday and Saturday (Sunday was open too but had to head back) and made the 5 hour trek from Chicago to Ann Arbor.
Being used to the city and suburbia it was a bit of a shock to turn on a dirt road that didn't have any street lights.
But it wasn't too long until VFW came in to view.
A friendly crew in orange shirts were outside to point you to where to park. And as I said the ratio of people to pins were small and the few cars that were in the "lot" confirmed that.
Behind this door, of this unassuming building, awaits a pinball players dream.
You can see the "SOLD OUT" sign at the top of the door frame.
It looks like I can only post 4 images per thread so will have to break this up in to multiple posts.
They eventually put together their first event but wanted to do something a bit different than the other expos. Basically sell limited tickets so there wouldn't be overcrowding. And not run tournaments where you could only play the machines if you paid. I've been to a few events now and typically the ratio is something like 15:1 of people to pinball machines. So basically the most popular and latest pins have constant lines. Meaning if you want to play you have to wait a few minutes to do so. VFW largely eliminated that issue with the limited ticket sales. The Friday night ratio was like 1:10 of people to pinball machines - unheard of. And Saturday was more like 1:1 which is amazing in it self for an event like this.
So I got myself tickets for Friday and Saturday (Sunday was open too but had to head back) and made the 5 hour trek from Chicago to Ann Arbor.
Being used to the city and suburbia it was a bit of a shock to turn on a dirt road that didn't have any street lights.

But it wasn't too long until VFW came in to view.

A friendly crew in orange shirts were outside to point you to where to park. And as I said the ratio of people to pins were small and the few cars that were in the "lot" confirmed that.

Behind this door, of this unassuming building, awaits a pinball players dream.
You can see the "SOLD OUT" sign at the top of the door frame.

It looks like I can only post 4 images per thread so will have to break this up in to multiple posts.
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