The Best Zaccaria Pins


New member
Jan 30, 2014
This would have been easier for me to answer before the physics change. I'm now re-evaluating my favorite tables and settings. In a lot of ways, it's a completely different game now. I will say that Combat has proven to be a front runner. I've never been too thrilled with Pinball Champ '82, and I like it less now. I'll need to run through all the tables a few more times before I can commit.


A.S.K. Homework
Apr 2, 2013
The main programmer's favorite tables:
1. Time Machine
2. Devil Riders
3. Blackbelt
4. Clown
5. Star's Phoenix


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I'm not familiar with flippers in the outlanes. I'm diggin' it. Here's what's funny. I know nothing of these tables at all, and if they were just tables that never existed IRL, I'd just be ignoring them. But because these are real tables, I'm eating them up. Wutupwitdat?


New member
Jan 30, 2014
Maybe because I'm just too used to playing TPA all the time.
Anyways the selection of tables on TPA is far superior than what Zaccaria currently has.
Anyways each to their own

When you say you've tried it, I hope you mean that you've played more than just the free version of Time Machine. I love TM, but it is in no way representative of the Zaccaria line of tables. It's actually an outlier and the table most unlike the rest of the set.

I love TPA too, but I don't think they are far superior to Zaccs. A lot of TPA tables have deeper rule sets, but that's not what I always want out of pinball. Sometimes I prefer to simply snipe some targets without having to play for half an hour to reach the grand finale.
TPA is kind of like the big Hollywood blockbuster, whereas Zaccaria is more like the cool European indie film. There's room for both in the world. I wish there were even more choices for great pinball sims.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
MOM! Hairy's being mean again!



Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Just tried it
Physics on TPA is still way better

Like you said you might be conditioned to the TPA physics. To me it compares well with a real Pin and the ball control and aiming accuracy is really good. I would say it is up there with the best physics in a digital SIMs which include a well tuned VP physmod table (very good), Pro Pinball (the best) and TPA which is also good but is tuned to be too easy. Sometimes I feel parts of some Zacc tables need more bounce but that seems to be table specific and object specific so it probably due to rubber settings on objects (real pins also vary in this respect too of course). This is a really minor thing and more my personal preference though.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
huge dmd fans will not find much to like in zaccaria, its pinball for pinball players, no real gimmicks, if yiu want lots of toys flahy dmds with video modes etc youd pass i guess

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
The good news is we have all these options. Back when I first got my ipad 1, the only pinball option was Gameprom :eek:


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
The good news is we have all these options. Back when I first got my ipad 1, the only pinball option was Gameprom :eek:

That's true.We are not going to like everything.Just stick to what you like .
TPA still my number one choice especially now that we finally have TAF in the collection

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