Bug Android Version 1.7.0 Bugs And Feedback

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New member
Nov 28, 2012
Invisible ball on tz
Multi ball crawled once, too but I think Play was updating apps at the time... Nexus 7

I guess everyone has that random invisiball issue on tz.

Also Big Shot score reel annoyingly large on Nexus 7.


I wanted to update everyone on the pro table quirks I had previously reported.

I wiped my save/table data, then re-installed the latest beta I have been helping to test. This has cleared up most of the issues I was encountering.

Table Explore now functions properly. There is a difference in how close the three pro tables get to the back of the table. ESS gets the closest to the back glass, followed by TZ then TotAN.
Book Keeping: stores persistent game stats, but only for games played in pro mode.
Scared Stiff: Family Mode activates as a default in Pro Mode.

TZ Gumball Machine continuous tests still fail. o_O
TZ Still shows the service dot and give error message relating to switch 26 in the operators menu. :-/

In my messing around with settings I found something that is sort of strange, not sure it it matters for anything or not, not being totally sure on the way that the Pro Mode information affects the "default" TPA settings and the overall play of tables.

Anyway, tables are holding the wrong date, even when you set the proper date it reverts back to the improper one. The date isn't wildly out of whack, it is exactly one month behind. So today's date is Nov. 29, 2012 and TZ is displaying it as Oct. 29, 2012.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I wanted to update everyone on the pro table quirks I had previously reported.

I wiped my save/table data, then re-installed the latest beta I have been helping to test. This has cleared up most of the issues I was encountering.

Table Explore now functions properly. There is a difference in how close the three pro tables get to the back of the table. ESS gets the closest to the back glass, followed by TZ then TotAN.
Book Keeping: stores persistent game stats, but only for games played in pro mode.
Scared Stiff: Family Mode activates as a default in Pro Mode.

TZ Gumball Machine continuous tests still fail. o_O
TZ Still shows the service dot and give error message relating to switch 26 in the operators menu. :-/

In my messing around with settings I found something that is sort of strange, not sure it it matters for anything or not, not being totally sure on the way that the Pro Mode information affects the "default" TPA settings and the overall play of tables.

Anyway, tables are holding the wrong date, even when you set the proper date it reverts back to the improper one. The date isn't wildly out of whack, it is exactly one month behind. So today's date is Nov. 29, 2012 and TZ is displaying it as Oct. 29, 2012.

I noticed, and reported, this date issue when I saw it on Cirqus Voltaire in the Circus Members list. Exactly one month behind. This issue will likely affect all tables.

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Just had a game of TZ where the table lost track of the number of balls during multiball. With one ball left the multiball continued, draining the last ball caused the table to go into search mode, triggering all switches. Call attendant didn't work, tilting the table didn't end the game either so I had to force TPA to quit.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Just wondering, I was thinking of trying out the android public beta build and helping you guys with bugs and stuff but I have two questions:

1) Are tables bought in it updatable? Like, if I bought the Twilight Zone would it automatically update to the released version once it becomes available or do I have to delete the table data before its available.

2) Does the app itself actually update to the standard release once it's available or do I have to purge it and download the standard releases again?


New member
May 16, 2012
1) Yes, they are. At least they should. If not, it's no big deal to do that manually. You won't lose your scores, they aren't saved in the table file.

2) Most definitely. The current beta is v1.7.3, the version released to the play store will be 1.8.0 and will be shown as an update or updated automatically if you chose auto update for TPA.


HoF-button is finally working! However, since im on two android devices I get two different HoF-score depending on if I scroll to the HoF-leaderboard or click the HoF-button after a finised game.
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