What happened to Pinball Arcade on PS4??


New member
May 28, 2017
I'll try to keep this short as I know I can go on a tangent writing how I feel, etc... So I was frustrated with PBA since last year when all the delays and issues happened... I started to get back into it again when that Tom guy came around and was listening and being some what open to us and I'm sure in most of our views, did try really hard to fix things the best he could...

Even after the semi big update that kind of fixed the lighting, the was still something off and like usual with every update, something gets broken or messed up even worse than before... I think that Tom guy said things was a mess and he was trying to fix and patch up things with the coding, etc... Though I might be wrong or mistaking something else he said?

There was some posts I was trying to make before this, but I get si passionate about this and it gets super long... Basically I and I'm sure everyone here love this game and we just want to be excited about it again and want it to be the best it can be, however it's still in a state of unknown, especially with the whole losing of the licenses and a ton of really good tables being removed... Farsight "says" they are still going to support them, but they say a lot of things... We've all pretty much got to the point where we'll believe it when we see it, when it comes to anything Farsight says...

I've been watching videos on YouTube, mostly older ones as there's not to many current ones and I try to watch PS4 footage just so I can see what kind of settings other people use, but the one thing I've noticed is how good the PS4 version USED to look... There is even an older video from E3 when the PS4 just came out and Farsight was showing off PBA on it for the first time I believe, it was something the Star Trek TNG table and THAT looked soooooo much better then it does now.... You could see colors, the lights, bulbs, etc. And it was vivid and looked extremely good....

But something happened somewhere since then till now??? You would think it would have got better, but instead it's gotten worse... Though I admit it has started to kind of get better again, but there is still something off.. I used to play this game everyday, sometimes for hours... Now it's lucky if I play it once a week or so... When the lighting got messed with right before that long drought of no updates is what got me to play it less and less because it was ridiculous.... I'm trying to get back into it, but that "something" being off keeps taking me away from getting back into it, even though I'm trying really hard to like it again and trying to get used to how it is now,...

The only thing I can think of is we have some hybrid port from last gen consoles and some of the newer lighting options from the PC version, but because it's a hybrid port from like 2 systems, if not more, it's clashing with each other... The actual bulbs or what's supposed to be an actual bulb on the table just don't look like independent bulbs... When they light up, they just look like a bright color lighting up, but it's supposed to look like a white bulb or LED inside a colored glass lighting up... Basically having a bulb and then putting a cover over it.... Something like that has a different look to it than just a red or blue light blinking...

Now not all lights are supposed to be or look like that, but now that I'm thinking more about this and explaining it like I just did, it kind of looks like someone decided to group up all the colored lights and code them to look the same, no matter if it was an actual colored led bulb or a white bulb with a colored cover over it.... That's why I always would say that if you look at the Frank Thomas table on PC and compare it to the PS4, you would then see the huge difference with the lighting and how the colored lights/bulbs looked that was at the bottom to the left and right side of the flippers... When you look at that older E3 from 2013 video showing the Star Trek TNG table on PS4, you can also see how that looked more like how the PC looks now...

So something had to happen that completely jacked everything up... Maybe they had to do the coding separately for each table and the lighting, so to make things easier they went and grouped it all together si that way they didn't have to do separate coding for the lights? They just wanted to copy and paste?? That could be why some tables will look ok, but then others don't?? That's probably where the is that option to have one set lighting seeing across all tables???

That is like the only thing I can think of... Other than Farsight just using old coding from last gen and ported over to the next gen consoles, but never updated it so it could take advantage of the systems hardware.... But like I mentioned, I think they did have it a little more complex and probably more time consuming to code the newer tables and stuff, that they went to this easier copy and paste across all tables, because it USED to look amazing and used to look like how the PC looks now more or less, maybe slightly less resolution, but was still looking really good....

That's why I always said to look at older videos... Even the ball looked like a steel shiney ball with a bright look and reflection to it... You can see in the older videos where it looked great and how it should and then become a dark matte looking ball with no shine or reflection to it...

Is there anyone from Farsight that can comment on this and or look into it? Is that Tom guy still working with this game on the PS4? If so can you shed any light on this and if I'm on the right track? And if so or even if I'm not, but can understand how I'm explaining things like the graphics and lighting, is the a way it can get improved on??

Let's be honest here, there is really no excuse on why the PS4 doesn't look like the PC version or even how it does on mobile devices... I can say without a doubt that PBA looks better on my Samsung S8+ phone then it does on PS4 and the mobile version doesn't even have the lighting options to adjust like there is on the PC and PS4....

I truly think if Farsight would have rolled out a whole new upgraded version of PBA on PS4 to where it was taking FULL advantage of the consoles hardware, kind of like how Zen did with Pinball FX3... They would have gotten more sales and more importantly, it would have gotten even more people to get the tables that will be going away after this month... Especially the ones that have been on the fence and still leaning to not get them or waiting till the last minute to decide...

A whole new version with a new UI, layout, look, and a graphics update, especially with the lighting, would have generated hype and buzz and the would have been a lot more positivity about PBA and Farsight... It would also show people, especially the ones who haven't already invested in this game like majority of us here have, that Farsight is serious about still supporting the tables that will be removed from purchase as well as still bringing other newer tables, besides porting the ones from Stern PBA over to the regular PBA....

See, no matter what I still have a big post, but it's still shorter than the ones before it and this one I think I was able to explain the lighting and what seems off to me a lot easier than before as well... All we can hope for is someone at farsight sees the are still people passionate about the game and just want it to be the best it CAN be and how it USED to be...

If Farsight hasn't been able to make money on the PS4 and i'm assuming XB1 versions or I should say consoles in general, then it's because they have been lazy, there is a lot of negativity about this product when it comes to the console versions... Considering that just released it on Switch, then there is still some hope for changes or upgrades, but if they just did a quick port to make a quick buck before they lost the Williams/Bally tables then they are going to fail again and make even more people upset and it's not going to end well in the long run...

If there is something in the works, like a whole new version of the game, not just newer tables, then I hope it is enough to get me and others back into this game and make it exciting again... If we just had to wait for you all to get the Switch version up and running then I'm sure most of us can forgive Farsight and move on... I and I'm sure everyone else can understand Farsight might have pulled everyone from the other versions to get the Switch version out before the licenses expired so those people could have a chance to get those tables, then so be it.... Just remember we are still here waiting and PS4 is still going to be the last console to have ALL the tables, well I should say this generation of consoles will be the last, unless you all get the licenses back??

Please make the PS4 version great again....


New member
May 28, 2017
Please excuse any typos, i'm having to do all this from my phone as my cpu has been down... So the auto correct might have changed things or made words that I wasn't trying to say... I tried to catch it as I was going and did go back quite a bit, but i'm sure some got by and made some sentences look weird.... My apologies in advance..

Also thank you for taking time to read what I put... I really do try to keep things short, but more just keeps coming...

Thanks again...

Oct 15, 2013
Have you tried PBA on the PS3? I think it still looks pretty good, especially on a 50 inch 1080p set. I have the latest season on PS4 but I seem to spend more time adjusting the lighting than playing the tables. I agree that something does feel off with the PS4 version. I also prefer the PS3 controller to the PS4 controller for pinball. To me the PS3 version is the best version.


New member
May 28, 2017
I have it on 360, well all the tables that was released for that system and yeah it does feel faster and better as well as looking better at least to how bad the PS4 has gotten...

And YES!!! I completely agree with that statement, I spend more time adjusting the lighting then I do playing the game...

I really think the ball got messed up again with the last patch... I was playing last night after this post and the default ball was dark again... I thought at first I might of turned off the brighter ball option, but of course I hadn't and it was still on, just not working... Thankfully we have the glow balls now at least... But I would rather use the default ball for most tables... If only the ball looked like it does on Pinball FX3 and it would be perfect....

I was hoping Zen could have bought Farsight so they could take control and fix things, but now with Williams & Bally leaving, maybe there's hope they give Zen the licenses... The only thing I wonder though is if they would do the original real life table or if they make their own updated version, just using the name, artwork, and stuff like that that would need the license.... The only downside would be it would only be this two and other not to well known licenses, so I don't really seeing that unless like how i mentioned they are allowed to make a whole new original table instead of recreating another copy of Funhouse, Monster Bash, etc...

When companies or even people for that matter, come out saying stuff like Farsight said about losing the license and saying how they supposedly tried to keep it, but Williams wasn't wanting to negotiate or something like that... Basically trying to throw them under the bus and trying to get fans to go bug Williams and asking why they wouldn't renew with Farsight and why they are being greedy, etc....

Oh and just a disclaimer, I know Farsight DID NOT TELL ANYONE TO HARASS, BUG, ETC... Williams & Bally... I was just saying that with how they kind of handled the news and the things they said could and I'm sure there was the few that did go bugging Williams and stuff...

But anyways, with how they kind of said it was Williams fault and stuff, it really makes it look like Farsight might have been at fault and maybe not wanting to pay what Williams was wanting... Just because when you look back at other companies or people that do or say things like that, it's usually the ones who lost and are hurt/upset so they instead go put the blame on someone else and try to make themselves look like they were the good guys...

Now that can very well be the case, I'm just saying how it looks/looked like to me, in my opinion... And like i said, we know Farsight didn't tell anyone to do anything, but we know there will be the few that think that's what farsight is telling them and going to go do what they what...

I just think this is the end... With how the guys from Farsight used to be active and trying to be transparent finally and give updates and what to expect, to now being non existent... We could only hope they are hard at work on newer tables, fixes, another version with updated UI, etc....??? Or is it because that got moved to something else and was rushed to try and get some of the fixes pushed out by the time the last table released and that's it?

I would hope not, kind of seems like a waste for all that work on the Switch version, just to abandon and be done with it now.... But no info at all about anything, even about the issues we're having now, like the plunger rod not showing on the Twilight Zone table and othe tables feeling really really off, physics wise... Though I could see Farsight pushing the Switch version just to get it out before they lost the licenses and just trying to make as much as they can from it... They just don't seem like they care about the product and customers/fans anymore.... And that's not everyone, we know that some of the guys that was posting here and giving updates, etc, was super passionate about the product and they actually cared... Nah, I'm talking about the suits that just care about profit and spending and doing as little as possible, so they can make more... Those guys don't care about the product, fans, customers, etc...

It's frustrating.... I really hope i'm wrong and they're just working hard on things and fixes and hopefully will be back to give some info... I get they want to try and not give dates or time frames, because we get upset when they miss it and then they scramble just to finish... But with what's happening, it's also not the time to be fully silent... At least should have a lil info from time to time.... Maybe a time frame on if the is a new table coming, like saying between Aug and Dec at least it gives them room... And I mean not the games they are going to port over from Stern PBA... Those don't count....


New member
May 13, 2017
A year ago, I bought Season One on the disk, and I loved it.

Then, on Day 2, after PS4 updated my Season One to the latest patch, it looked like crap. Major step backward.

I even wrote Farsight about it and basically got back "we know." It took months to only moderately improve. Tom has made the biggest improvements since the patches started coming but the really good looking tables are still on my unpatched Season One disk.

To see that again, I could go back to that and play that with my Ethernet disconnected to prevent it from updating, I guess. But to get the other seasons and the network functions, you have to take the updates (and the regressions in appearance).

Like you, I'm curious as to how it happened but it ultimately doesn't matter -- as long as they fix it quickly (which they're making improvements incrementally).

And now with this Williams/Bally thing, I'm wondering if there is a future or is this the end?

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