Terminator 2

Mike Lindsey

FarSight Employee
Jul 23, 2013
My code isn't working either but I went into backing the KS with open eyes and didn't expect to have a working code on release day. My bet is that the codes will probably become active tomorrow or the next day. I'll try again tomorrow or when someone else says theirs is working, whichever comes first.

Yes. we are at the mercy of PSN and their code system. I let them know it's urgent the codes work today. I stressed the importance to them in about 5 different conversations. If it doesn't work soon, we will make sure to get everyone taken care of as soon as we can. New codes or whatever we can do.

Thanks guys. :)


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
^What he said. Gameplay is nice, check. But - wow. Wow.

The graphics are really pretty abysmal. The 'chrome' or 'silver' possibly looks better on my iPhone 4 than on the PS3. (Granted that's a smaller screen, but I think the coloration, lack of shine on the chrome, and the lighting on the PS3 is pretty off.)

The chrome is completely dull. On the rails and on the T2 head. The top of the skull is totally blown-out, lighting-wise. I don't know what's going on with the rails. Yeah, this version has more lighting than the iOS version- just checked it on an iPad- but the lighting just isn't done right. In the upper playfield, the lighting and graphics on the bumpers looks...weird-not good.

I honestly feel like this is not worth it. I'm sorry to be so negative, but I think it must be said. The graphics are that distractingly bad to me. I regret getting this- compare this table to some of the earlier more graphically polished ones and it's just very obvious that this did not receive the same amount of attention.

I really wanted to like this table. I like it on my phone. :/

You guys aren't surprised by this, are you? Pretty much nothing in the PS3 version aside from the default ball skin has actual chrome-like highlights.


New member
Jun 7, 2012
Lack of chrome is one thing; completely blown out portions of those parts...not what I expected.

But yeah- good point. I guess I'm not surprised.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Looks great to me! Since they can do a lifelike chrome surface on the ball I'm thinking either the PS3 won't support that much number crunching to have active reflections on more surfaces or its too labor intensive for the amount of hours that they can invest in the table. So they went with a static chrome that is only reflecting lighting highlights. It doesn't detract at all from the table.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Thoughts on Terminator 2: Judgement Day

It seems to play and sound great, but the version I am seeing looks more pink than the screenshot posted on the PSNBlog a few days ago. Is it possible that was the 360 version?

This looks more natural than what am current looking at on my screen.

I feel like breaking out a Rubik' s Cube and listening to some Devo ;)

Curious what you guys think.

I also discharge Exoskeleton head was chrome. Maybe they are saving that for the PS4 version?

There are a few lights where the boarders aren't filled in all the way and you can see bright green lights underneath. Not a big deal, but they stick out a bit
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New member
Jul 4, 2013
On my screen the skull shows no environment reflections, looks over lit, and I have quite a bit of pink in the lower rail reflections (under the outlanes) and the top area of the table ambient lighting.

I also wonder aloud if there's still plans at some point to add the lighting selection slider (day/night) as I think this would be one of the tables that would be really cool in "night" setting.


Aug 31, 2013
I honestly couldn't care less about the chrome issue. The skull looks good enough to me to ignore the discolor. Also, the board itself looks good enough. I'd rather have a semi decent looking table vs nothing at all.

To be honest, besides the skull, I really don't see any other complaints. From what I saw in the early screen shots to seeing the final product, I'm quite pleased. I was afraid we were gonna get another pink mess like "Star Trek: TNG".


New member
Apr 20, 2012
The lowest camera [#4] is really only good for looking at the ball and flippers up close. I can't imagine anyone trying to play it with that extremely low angle.

The backglass also looks very pink.
I wonder if there is a possibility that Farsight's monitors are not color calibrated or something, because they have been consistently pinkish for a while now.

Perhaps they are using an ambient light that is not pure white.

What table did this whole pink lighting situation start with?
Was it Taxi, Harley Davidson, or ??


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Looks great to me! Since they can do a lifelike chrome surface on the ball I'm thinking either the PS3 won't support that much number crunching to have active reflections on more surfaces or its too labor intensive for the amount of hours that they can invest in the table. So they went with a static chrome that is only reflecting lighting highlights. It doesn't detract at all from the table.

The PS3 can't display more than a single chrome detective ball on screen? You have seen what the PS3 is capable of, right?

Last night I was just climbing a 100 story building in inFamous 2. Every window was reflecting in realtime..the main character, the neon lights from connected signs,...and at the top of this building?.....A huge jumbotron style video screen displaying the news.

It was complete with scanline emulation and keeping in mind this was in the center of a fully populated, free roaming game with dozens of high polygon enemies, cars, water, and other objects.

I think it can handle a bit of chrome on a pinball table. :)


Sep 12, 2012
All I have to say is that I think the table was rushed. Also it's pretty bad when a non-profit table beats the hell out of this one. I still don't see this pinkish lighting that a lort of you say is there. I have just a plain jane 1080p TV. No special filters, no game mode, I can adjust the color, but the pink doesn't show on any table. Also spoonman The Last of Us shows off really beautiful lighting. Myabe if Jason Rubin were to swing by and show them how to work the lighting on the PS3 or Id, or square-enix. Look what GTA V is capable of. I know these are much bigger entities than FS, but come on the endoskeleton of a Terminator has always been chrome. *sigh*


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I think just one or two of the people who do their PS3 lighting like pink. Some of the tables don't have it. Anyway it's been around here and there for a while, Funhouse for instance is way pink. And orange.


Anyway to talk about actual table-specific stuff rather than the same problems just about every PS3-version table has, am I the only one who talks back to Arnold? His callouts are so fun! : D


New member
Jul 9, 2013
I think just one or two of the people who do their PS3 lighting like pink. Some of the tables don't have it. Anyway it's been around here and there for a while, Funhouse for instance is way pink. And orange.


Anyway to talk about actual table-specific stuff rather than the same problems just about every PS3-version table has, am I the only one who talks back to Arnold? His callouts are so fun! : D

Well, I did that - "You Are Superior" , "I know I know"...

ON TOPIC: Great gameplay, extremely fun and as everyone, I hate the skull(I can live with that white-pink ugly skull, but, it's frustrating...)

Get 195M only, improving... think I'll stick with the PAPA's tips on leaving two balls only and go easilly for Super Jackpots instead of trying get control over 3 balls(saw this on one of those finals they played T2)...

Is it me or the left drain its almost "unreachable"? Didnt remember to have used the kickback in the few games Ive played...


New member
Jul 9, 2013
What about bugs? On iPad there's one that the skull lock will not work (with the ball pasing right trough it) and the cannon didnt shot propperly sometimes... havent experienced any of these on PS3 though...


New member
Sep 9, 2013
It's definitely out in Europe today, so looks like the delay was a one-off. Let's just hope that Sony have put up the right patch and marked it as free for season pass holders!

Actually, I think the last patch included T2 so hopefully Sony only have the season pass issue to mess up!


New member
Jun 20, 2012
The PS3 can't display more than a single chrome detective ball on screen? You have seen what the PS3 is capable of, right?

Last night I was just climbing a 100 story building in inFamous 2. Every window was reflecting in realtime..the main character, the neon lights from connected signs,...and at the top of this building?.....A huge jumbotron style video screen displaying the news.

It was complete with scanline emulation and keeping in mind this was in the center of a fully populated, free roaming game with dozens of high polygon enemies, cars, water, and other objects.

I think it can handle a bit of chrome on a pinball table. :)

Farsight gets the GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD for being a independent publisher house, with the proper very expensive development kits and artists (both of which they can't afford I guess) They could do PS4 type graphics on the PS3 and 360 , I'm certain of it , but the mandate is to push the most stable game out ASAP and polish it's fine details later , like STTNG , it will happen later , I trust them that much. You will never convince me that PS3 cant render 2 chrome surface models , the decision was made to leave it "unshaded" to keep framerate down , until they can optimize it later in another patch .


New member
Apr 27, 2012
The PS3 can't display more than a single chrome detective ball on screen? You have seen what the PS3 is capable of, right?

Last night I was just climbing a 100 story building in inFamous 2. Every window was reflecting in realtime..the main character, the neon lights from connected signs,...and at the top of this building?.....A huge jumbotron style video screen displaying the news.

It was complete with scanline emulation and keeping in mind this was in the center of a fully populated, free roaming game with dozens of high polygon enemies, cars, water, and other objects.

I think it can handle a bit of chrome on a pinball table. :)

I don't know. I put up two possible answers. That was one.


Apr 12, 2012
I played this a bit last night. The backglass is definitely waaaaaaaaaaay too pink but I don't really care about that. The rest of the table looks pretty good, IMHO, though the skull could obviously be better. Seems like a pretty fun table and seems to play pretty well. No huge issues jumped out at me in the half dozen or so games I played. I'm generally pleased though. I definitely think it could have looked better but this also isn't some Harley Davidson or STTNG "pink nightmare".

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