Pack 19 Beta

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May 24, 2013
First things I noticed: the ball sits to the left of the plunger in 1812. There looks to be too much room in there or something. Something is a bit off. This is with nexus 7 2013 in portrait cam 1. Also, the icon itself to launch class of 1812 looks very soft. It seems muted compared to the other icons.


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Feb 22, 2012
Unable to purchase Table Pack 19 Pro...Payment Declined.


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Sep 14, 2012
Plunger mechanism looks way higher than the ball on 1812.
Is it just me or do the sound effects sound slow on 1812? Like the bumpers and slingshots sound a slight bit late.
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Bug: Victory+CO1812 multi player game asks for intials early

Description: in a multiplayer game after the 1st high scoring player ends their 3rd ball they are prompted to enter initials, after initials are entered all remaining players cannot play their third ball because touch screen controls are no longer responsive. Even pressing the Android back key fails to bring up the TPA game menu. Have to force quit.

Device: nexus 10

Frequency: 100%

ETA: in a 4 player game of victory only 3 players showed up (this is another bug carried over from previous build?) and the game was ended after player 2 was prompted to enter initials on ball three. I think that this bug is dependant on which player has the HSTD entry out of the grouping.
CO1812 will play a 4 player game, but after the initials are entered the AlphaNumeric display gets a bit funky, and the initial selection UI doesn't go away after you press select to go on with the next player. You'll be at the plunge screen with the left/right arrows and the select button for initials input at the bottom of the screen.
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Bug: Tee'd Off Pro menu UX

Description: the buttons to navigate the operators menu are not mapped to the DMD instructions, according to how the buttons are labelled. Start should be Credit, Left and Right are correctly named, but Right has no effect, and Enter is ? but seems to be doing the function of credit+start+ R Flipper.

Device: nexus 10

Frequency: 100%


Bug: Tee'd Off multi player game

Description: Cannot begin a multi player game of Tee'd Off. Select 2-4 player game and when the game has started it will only be a single player game

Device: nexus 10

Frequency: 100%


Bug?: CO1812 + Victory no match sequence

Description: Complete a game of Class of 1812/Victory and there is no match sequence. Is it disabled in the ROM Settings?

Frequency: 100%
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Staff member
May 8, 2012
Plunger mechanism looks way higher than the ball on 1812.
Is it just me or do the sound effects sound slow on 1812? Like the bumpers and slingshots sound a slight bit late.

This is status quo for all tables on Android. Sound effects have latency no matter what table you play. @Ryan Routon has tried to tweak the sound server but no matter what he tries, he can never remove the latency. Much to my disappointment.

You'll also notice that when the music track loops there is a gap in playback. Get a high score on No Good Gophers and you'll see this issue become very apparent, and you won't be able to unhear it.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
This is status quo for all tables on Android. Sound effects have latency no matter what table you play. @Ryan Routon has tried to tweak the sound server but no matter what he tries, he can never remove the latency. Much to my disappointment.

You'll also notice that when the music track loops there is a gap in playback. Get a high score on No Good Gophers and you'll see this issue become very apparent, and you won't be able to unhear it.

Thanks for clearing it up. Never realized it until this pack somehow. For some reason it really stands out to me on that table.


This is status quo for all tables on Android. Sound effects have latency no matter what table you play. @Ryan Routon has tried to tweak the sound server but no matter what he tries, he can never remove the latency. Much to my disappointment.

You'll also notice that when the music track loops there is a gap in playback. Get a high score on No Good Gophers and you'll see this issue become very apparent, and you won't be able to unhear it.

I seem to notice it the worst on the instruction screens for whatever reason.


New member
Aug 10, 2013
Bug: Tee'd Off multi player game

Description: Cannot begin a multi player game of Tee'd Off. Select 2-4 player game and when the game has started it will only be a single player game

hold over from last month's beta. also affects HD, sometimes it'll start 3 players instead of 4.

Bug?: CO1812 + Victory no match sequence

Description: Complete a game of Class of 1812/Victory and there is no match sequence. Is it disabled in the ROM Settings?

I got a match on CO1812, but it occurred after the end-game score gui was displayed on the screen.


I got one of my own as well, the camera on CO1812 needs adjusting, it's a tad too far away. :)

edit: Oh wait, someone reported that one. I did notice the camera moved on Victory, even though I have it set to locked.
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New member
Jun 19, 2013
I have to say i am getting a little anoyed - last two packs only Gottlieb (beeing a great fan of Williams/Bally tables)...


Jan 30, 2013

Wow great tables! Awesome pack!

Ball seems a little small in victory.

Framedrops on both tables. (Both Mipmap on/off)

Music stops after pause on class of 1812, resumes after you've shot and activated a mode.
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