Round 3: Q&A With Bobby King


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Out of interest which less popular table have they bundled with a popular table, and do we know how it sold? I really think the majority of non-hardcore buyers of PA are buying tables they don't know - unless they base their decision on how well known the theme of the table is.

It's been their strategy so far to do that whenever possible, that's a big part of why they only (now) sell tables in pairs. Just look at Attack From Mars + Genie or really almost any of the packs, although they've been thinner than previously here in the latter half of Season Two--I suspect they're saving some bigger ones for Season Three. And they haven't released any sales figures so no we don't know that side of it.


Aug 31, 2013
"Genie", about as fun as gettin kicked in the nutz. (Although pairing it with AFM was pretty smart.)

They could've paired AFM with a picture of Gorgar and I'd still buy that pack. lol
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Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Jeff & Trap - excellent job! Very impressive overall,and I think a pinball arcade fans podcast would be awesome!


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Great job guys!
I'm normally not a big fan of podcasts, and to be honest I thought I would be skipping through this, but I was thoroughly entertained. You sound like you've been doing radio interviews for years. :)

Overall it sounded very positive. I was happy to hear the "Mega Patch", AKA Massive Patch, AKA Super Patch, is a real thing and will be here sometime in December. Details on the PS4 discount was also great since I own every current PS3 table and plan on building up my PS4 collection as well.

Oh and nice song selection too. Let me guess... Hendrix was Jeff's pick? ;)
See if you can work in a Soundgarden song next time and dedicate it to your pal Spoonman. :rolleyes:


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Kudos to you guys for asking about the textures right off the bat! It's what a lot of people want to know, and FarSight had to address it sooner or later, preferably sooner. I'm glad to simply hear him say that they have been redoing the playfield textures for PS4.

Still doesn't explain why the screenshots show horribly low res textures though, I hope it's gonna change for the release.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Haven't listened yet but I'm excited to listen to it given the comments here. Sounds like all people involved did a great job!


Aug 31, 2013
I think I'm the only one not excited about the modern day tables.

I wasnt that impressed with "Ripley's", and I wasn't at all impressed with what I saw from "Metallica". I think the only one that looked pretty cool was "AC/DC".

Personally, I'd rather have all the good mid 80s-late 90s tables over anything new. I understand why people want the new stuff though.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I think I'm the only one not excited about the modern day tables.

I wasnt that impressed with "Ripley's", and I wasn't at all impressed with what I saw from "Metallica". I think the only one that looked pretty cool was "AC/DC".

Personally, I'd rather have all the good mid 80s-late 90s tables over anything new. I understand why people want the new stuff though.
Basing your opinion of modern Sterns solely on RBION and Metallica is like basing your opinion of 90s B/W's solely on No Fear and NBA Fastbreak.

Hunt down and play a few games on an AC/DC (Premium or LE), Lord of the Rings and/or The Simpsons Pinball Party and see if your outlook on modern machines improves. Stay away from X-Men and Avengers though, or you will continue to slide into depression.

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