Addams kick starter


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Besides the fact that the Gold Version is a different ROM and that they confirmed that gold level backers will get the Gold Version and the Regular Version what more do you want?
Well, call me paranoid, but nothing on the Kickstarter page says they would be using different ROMs for the different versions... all it said about the Collectors Edition is "This edition has gold accents, such as the metal ramps, gold legs and bolts, gold lettering, the vault plastic, the bumper caps and Thing's box." They mentioned everything EXCEPT the fact the game plays differently.

But... I have good news. They confirmed it for me... here is their response to my question:

FarSight Studios said:
Yes, the gold version will use the gold rom. You won't be able to buy the gold version in the game on release or possibly ever, but the regular version for sale will use the normal rom, if you have both (which will be possible) then you'll be able to switch between roms.

They just got my $100. W00T!


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Well, call me paranoid, but nothing on the Kickstarter page says they would be using different ROMs for the different versions... all it said about the Collectors Edition is "This edition has gold accents, such as the metal ramps, gold legs and bolts, gold lettering, the vault plastic, the bumper caps and Thing's box." They mentioned everything EXCEPT the fact the game plays differently.

But... I have good news. They confirmed it for me... here is their response to my question:

They just got my $100. W00T!

That's really good news already backed at 100, but now that makes me more confident about my pledge.

Stephen Snow

FarSight Employee
Oct 11, 2012
Looks like we're on track to another successful Kickstarter, we're really excited for this one, thanks for the support everybody! Keep the charts coming, it's fun for us too, we use kicktraq but when you put all of them in a forum post it makes comparison really easy visually.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
looks like we're on track to another successful kickstarter, we're really excited for this one, thanks for the support everybody! Keep the charts coming, it's fun for us too, we use kicktraq but when you put all of them in a forum post it makes comparison really easy visually.

great !


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Looks like we're on track to another successful Kickstarter, we're really excited for this one, thanks for the support everybody! Keep the charts coming, it's fun for us too, we use kicktraq but when you put all of them in a forum post it makes comparison really easy visually.

No problem Stephen and thanks goes out to the entire FarSight team for making our dreams a reality...and I'm not just talking about The Addams Family. :)

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Ok, last batch, I promise. These seem to be best for comparing. I suppose they should've been first. But I just couldn't stop sharing!


It will be fun to watch this. But it would be a lot more fun if there was any doubt that it would be funded. TAF is a little bit ahead of STTNG's fast start, but will it have the staying power that TZ did?
One thing about TZ...that big spike in the middle is actually when its goal was met. So TZ was actually done in 15 days, and the rest was ST:TNG's stretch goal. So it is not directly comparable to the others.


New member
May 4, 2012
I think non-backers (like me) should have to pay more for the table than those who pay the FS setup costs.

Bit late to implement such a scheme now, but surely they considered and rejected this idea already. What do others think?

I think that saying that the price for a non-essential product "should" or should not be something is a communist notion. :)

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014
2 Remaining Guys

To be honest I think the gold tier is the only one that is really tempting (if indeed the gold version stays exclusive for quite some time) - apart from just wanting to support the goal of making it possible.

I know I will be purchasing the Season 4 Pro pass as soon as it becomes available so in theory I will pre-purchase TAF that way anyway (assuming TAF will be part of season 4).
All the additional pro-copies you get with the higher tiers are well... sort of unneeded since most really won't need more than 2 copies (I guess most only play on one "home system" [consoles/pc/mac] and one mobile platform [Android/iOS/etc]).
And then -as I already said- if (like me) you will purchase a season pass (where and when available) you might even only need 1 extra copy (in my case I only buy all tables on PC and selected few on Android).

I would have preferred more rewards geared towards backer forums and behind the scenes info like the Pro Pinball guys did/do with the Timeshock! kickstarter (receiving exclusive progress updates and development diaries of say photos that show them taking the real table apart, some video interviews of what is going on, seeing [possibly playing] the digital table in various states of development, etc).

Also I keep my fingers crossed that somehow magically they will manage to secure the licenses for the remaining two characters...
I'd rather have the original Uncle Fester & Pugsly kid. Especially, since "Doc" is showing his greed eh.


New member
Feb 28, 2012

This shows that $7,563 was lost on 9/22/2014. :(

After studying the data, I think someone may have put in a $10K pledge on 9/20 and then removed it on 9/22 (if you adjust those days by that amount they seem more in line with other days).


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012

This shows that $7,563 was lost on 9/22/2014. :(

After studying the data, I think someone may have put in a $10K pledge on 9/20 and then removed it on 9/22 (if you adjust those days by that amount they seem more in line with other days).

We didn't really get or lose that much money. Just ignore it.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
This shows that $7,563 was lost on 9/22/2014. :(

After studying the data, I think someone may have put in a $10K pledge on 9/20 and then removed it on 9/22 (if you adjust those days by that amount they seem more in line with other days).

It was a bogus pledge from a known troll. Strip it out and the progress is still quite steady through last weekend.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It was closer to a $9k pledge l believe. That means we still got well over 3k on top of it the day the bogus pledge was done which would have been a fantastic amount on its own. We also still got close to 1500 on the day it was withdrawn which isn't too shabby!


New member
Feb 28, 2012
$21K more in 12 days. I'm nervous but optimistic!!

I'm sure there are a slew of people hoping it makes it without having to pledge, so I just hope they don't wait too long and forget.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Did he say that Christopher Lloyd and Jimmy Workman (Pugsley) had to be redone on the backglass because they couldn't get their permission??? WTF???
Anyone who refuses to allow their likeness on a pinball table is an a-hole, no excuses, no exceptions. It's especially surprising coming from Lloyd, since he played ball with BTTF, while costar Michael J. Fox notoriously didn't.
I guess it's not a huge deal; Pugsley's real small on the backglass, and one white (literally) bald guy looks pretty much like any other, but it still does suck.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Engadget had a writeup on the TAF kickstarter over the weekend.

But yeah - why wouldn't you want your likeness used? I mean, it's not like FarSight's going to to redo what the original artwork should you give permission, and approval means basically "free money" for doing absolutely nothing. (And the rate could've been negotiated, at that.)

I can see not licensing it out for future new products (e.g., if they did a new BTTF movie or pinball or whatever), but simply licensing out what's already out there seems kind of silly since it's just more money for what's already out there. Any artist will tell you if you can get paid again for what's been done already, take it.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Anyone who refuses to allow their likeness on a pinball table is an a-hole, no excuses, no exceptions. It's especially surprising coming from Lloyd, since he played ball with BTTF, while costar Michael J. Fox notoriously didn't.
I guess it's not a huge deal; Pugsley's real small on the backglass, and one white (literally) bald guy looks pretty much like any other, but it still does suck.

I think it's been said by Bobby King that the isse is with Lloyd's agent. Some kind of clause in his contract that just makes it unrealistic.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I think it's been said by Bobby King that the isse is with Lloyd's agent. Some kind of clause in his contract that just makes it unrealistic.

The issue is there is a "most favored nation" clause in the contract. Lloyd cannot be paid less than anyone else. So if you imagine the biggest chunk of change is going to be for the Julia estate (huge likeness on the backglass, tons of voice work), Lloyd cannot be paid less than the Julia estate. So say that is 20% of the overall license - $20k - and you'd be looking at adding another $20k to the cost of the license just for a small image on the backglass. That is what is ridiculous.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Seems like Lloyd's likeness just isn't going to happen. I have moved on an accepted it. I'd like him there of course, but I can live without him.

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