Party Zone first impressions


New member
Jan 19, 2014
Love this table so far. Not nearly as obnoxious as I thought it would be, and I dig the music.

Looks great @4k too, not sure why so many hated on the ramps initially, but Ive not seen the real deal to compare.

I was draining like crazy at first, but now Ive got it down, 500 milly on my 4th or 5th try.

Gotta pay real close/quick attention though, ball FLIES around the table.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Hate those outlanes already. Boppers to outlanes had me swearing at my PC many times.

I really would like to do something about that default music though... man that grates. Switch to Pinball Wizard every time.

I can also confirm that the 10x scoring/Tilt Warning glitch is alive and well :)


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Actually the speed of this table is NOT unrealistic. pretty close to real life i'd say, except maybe the flippers are more juiced than usual for this table.

All goals finished.

btw, collect a 100 million way out of control shot should have been a wizard goal. :)

Yes you can do that. it caps at 10 million, but 10x playfield applies to it, and that usually beats big bang for points.
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New member
Jul 29, 2012
got 460 million and i think that's about all i can stand on this stinker. so obnoxious and annoying. i can't believe they made Dr. Dude and then said "hey let's do another one like that!


New member
Feb 8, 2014
btw, collect a 100 million way out of control shot should have been a wizard goal. :)

Yes you can do that. it caps at 10 million, but 10x playfield applies to it, and that usually beats big bang for points.

Been there, done that.... Use the Warning glitch to stop the timer and see how many times you can make the shot! Since the Cap'n counts as a "major" shot that restarts the timer, and balls very easily fly up into the Cosmic Cottage/Comic, easier said than done.

My conclusion though is that 2x scoring with maxed WOOC shots and 1M Boppers lit is the optimal strategy. The Pro Tips say to keep multiball going without lighting Big Bang and spam 7M ramps, but I'd rather drain one ball, start 2x scoring, and spam WOOCs. The WOOC lane is only a risky shot if you miss, and then not that much (try to miss early so the ball goes to the Comic or banks off the WOOC targets into the Comic). Drains from the Boppers do happen, but TPZ isn't as bad as say BSD in that regard.

Also, if you've already played multiball, don't start it again on the same ball. Keep Party Dudes lit for the next ball to quickly get 2x scoring going again.

Avoid the Cap'n. Yes, nudging usually helps keep the ball from the outlanes when it kicks out, but it's risky and there's no easy trap to get quick ball control. The kickout is random too. Actually that's one thing I really like about the physics on this table, the ramps and kickouts aren't consistent.

And of course, keep spamming ramps for EBs.


New member
Sep 19, 2013
An easy way to get 5 million is to play a little (or flip the flippers) and wait until the Captain plays one of his favs. Once it starts playing shoot for the request hole to 'save the party' for 5 million and select a song.

I got this on accident once and found out about it in the instructions. I also found out about Eat, Drink, and B. Merry. I didn't know about this either, mainly because once you light Eat it doesn't really tell you to shoot for it or the following shots! It just lights these lights in order: Rock-it, Robotic Comic, Request hole. It gives you 1 million for the first shot and ups a million each consecutive shot. It's also timed (at least for the drink and b. merry shots).


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
great table and it is better than excpected when it comes to ramp transparency.
Now we really need the Party Animal to complete the trilogy.
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New member
Oct 26, 2014
Not buying this table so I wasn't able to play too far into it. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but it's a serious eyesore to look at, hideous, and the theme is too zany that I'm fine never playing it again. In all honesty I prefer Dr. Dude, swallow


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
Not buying this table so I wasn't able to play too far into it. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but it's a serious eyesore to look at, hideous, and the theme is too zany that I'm fine never playing it again. In all honesty I prefer Dr. Dude, swallow

Not buying it either.
Next please


New member
Jan 13, 2013
Well, this table does look hideous. It's probably the ugliest in TPA. It also doesn't sound all that great but it does play decently. To me, the most outstanding attribute is the physics. The physics just feel great on this table, way better than most of the other recent tables. I do wish this table had a bit more depth. I've already completed all the standard/wizard goals and scored 540M. Does anyone know if the Replay gives you anything? It doesn't seem to give an extra ball, like some tables.

It's too early to tell for sure but I think I prefer Dr. Dude over Party Zone. Dr. Dude looks a little better and sounds a lot better.

Edit: That center eject hole is really annoying. You have to hit it just right for the ball to land in it. It also has a nasty habit of kicking the ball out so that it bounces off the left slingshot and down the center drain, unless you nudge.
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Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Now we really need the Party Zone to complete the trilogy.

Did you mean Party Animal ?



New member
Nov 28, 2012
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the voice call outs are too soft, or perhaps. a bit garbled. Dr dude, the callouts are very clear. Of course I've just played a few games, so it's all new to me.

Also, at least on ipad, there no shadows ( or simulated shadows) , which makes the table look a bit flat., Perhaps because the art is so busy, shadows could obscure the detailing.

Finally, the table perfectly encapsulates what the early 90's was all about, bright colours ,zany slang, and excellent hand drawn comic stylings. There is an innocence about this table, where the best goal in life is to party. party on. was an instabuy for me. :D
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New member
Nov 9, 2014
This game is much more of a drain monster than I remember the real table being. The Door Prize skill shot tends to go STDM, and when the ball ejects from the captain, it either forces you to do a tricky left-right save, or goes down the right outlane.

But the part that disappoints me the most: WHERE'S PURPLE HAZE? When you make the Big Bang shot, it's supposed to play Purple Haze. When I did it, it just played Pinball Wizard again. Maybe it's a licensing thing, but not being able to hear the wizard-mode music is a huge letdown.


Mar 25, 2013
Not big on the table theme or the humor of it. And all the toys make the table look like a mess to me. But I kinda like the way it plays. The rules are not complicated so its a table I don't have to strategize on what shots I'm going to do. I can just kinda play the table and still do well. Some days that's the perfect type of table to play. It also has a nice mix of safe and dangerous shots. Sure that light on the 10x Values shot is taunting me but should I really go for it and risk a drain?

Its a middle of the road table for me. I don't see playing it obsessively but do see myself playing it off and on going forward.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Edit: That center eject hole is really annoying. You have to hit it just right for the ball to land in it. It also has a nasty habit of kicking the ball out so that it bounces off the left slingshot and down the center drain, unless you nudge.

I find it always kicks the ball straight into the left outlane after a request but any other time the ball is either safe or off the left bumper down the center.

Also this is the fourth table in the party series. I guess it is a "quadrilogy?" I don't think we need to complete it with party animal, though. Plenty of better tables out there.

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