DLC Release Date

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Mike I think he's referring to this comment about MM and the flipper gap

Got Pack #1. Bride of Pin*Bot is awesome! MM is rubbish. The flipper gap makes this a nearly unplayable SDTM nightmare! Oh well, at least we have new tables finally!

I played a bunch of MM last night and it's far from 'rubbish' and very playable. Got over 100 million on my second game and I haven't even checked out the rules yet. Wouldn't have even noticed the flipper gap on my own so I don't see it as such an obvious bug as many are making it out to be.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I find the bounciness on MM a bigger issue than the gap, as it's not uncommon to have simple bouncepasses bounce over the opposite slingshot and into an outlane. BOP and FH are pretty good overal, in CV the ball is a bit too floaty. Same issues as on PS3 essentially, which isn't surprising considering this is still the inital submission from may.

I have confidence that in due time they will all be fixed...I just hope FS finds a good way with MS to roll them out on 360.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
I don't see it as such an obvious bug as many are making it out to be.

take a look at this thread:


the flipper issue changes the very way the designers intended for the game to be played/behave. Whilst I agree that it's not unplayable as suh, it's not the way it's supposed to be... if changing it to what it should be saves just 10% of SDTM's then that will have a huge impact on the enjoyment of the table.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
I definitely agree that in the interest of getting the table as close to real-life as possible it should be fixed. I just have a problem with people saying is was such an obvious bug and makes the table 'rubbish'.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Anyone having problems with downloading the Update For Launch Tables? I get to 99% then it not go any further. Do I need to delete Pinball Arcade and reinstall again? If so will Microsoft make me have to buy everything again?

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I find the bounciness on MM a bigger issue than the gap, as it's not uncommon to have simple bouncepasses bounce over the opposite slingshot and into an outlane. BOP and FH are pretty good overal, in CV the ball is a bit too floaty. Same issues as on PS3 essentially, which isn't surprising considering this is still the inital submission from may.

I have confidence that in due time they will all be fixed...I just hope FS finds a good way with MS to roll them out on 360.

Gotta agree on the bounciness. This table seems to have the worst physics of the bunch.


New member
Mar 22, 2012
I definitely agree that in the interest of getting the table as close to real-life as possible it should be fixed. I just have a problem with people saying is was such an obvious bug and makes the table 'rubbish'.

What's rubbish is that FS stated this from a thread about the flipper gap, in APRIL

"Farsight commented about this and the apron image on Facebook,

"This will be fixed in an update. The visual mesh for the iOS version was not updated when we fixed this months ago on the consoles."


So clearly it was never fixed on any platform.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
The reason the updates are divided up like this is related to the long delay getting DLC out. One of the several things that held up the updates through the summer was that Microsoft had a strict upper limit on the size of a required title update. For some reason, they've got a rule that if an update is bigger than a certain size, it has to be optional. The update Farsight tried to submit was too big, but it included code that was necessary for the DLC tables; they couldn't make it optional. So Farsight was stuck; they couldn't release new tables on XBLA until they had dealt with this somehow.

So they divided the update in two. There was a smaller required update that mostly consisted of code needed for the new DLC, which appeared last week, and an optional update that just consists of patches to the original core tables, which officially appears on Thursday though it seems to have gotten on the servers early.

With luck, they've got a strategy they can use moving forward to release further patches.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
What's rubbish is that FS stated this from a thread about the flipper gap, in APRIL

"Farsight commented about this and the apron image on Facebook,

"This will be fixed in an update. The visual mesh for the iOS version was not updated when we fixed this months ago on the consoles."


So clearly it was never fixed on any platform.
We know that. I knew it would be there, and I wasn't expecting it to be fixed, but that doesn't stop it from having a seriously detrimental effect on the game.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
We know that. I knew it would be there, and I wasn't expecting it to be fixed, but that doesn't stop it from having a seriously detrimental effect on the game.

haha, especially if you suck at that table as I do, and need all the help you can get... I've gotten my most spectacular 10,000mph SDTM nudging-doesn't-even-begin-to-help drains on that table.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
The castle is already an SDTM hazard. Now it's more of an SDTM guarantee. Fail to make a shot all the way up the peasant ramp, and it's bye bye ball! The designers specially made the ramp to prevent this, but it doesn't work when the flipper gap is this wide!

Tim Thornton

New member
Jul 26, 2012
With all these adjustments to tables through updates it makes the leaderboards totally unfair. Unless there were seperate leadboards for each version of a table how could you compare scores? I've pretty much ignored leadboard scores for this reason and I hear they aren't even platform unique. I only want my scores to be compared to people playing under the EXACT same conditions as me. Is that too much to ask for?


New member
Apr 16, 2012
With all these adjustments to tables through updates it makes the leaderboards totally unfair. Unless there were seperate leadboards for each version of a table how could you compare scores? I've pretty much ignored leadboard scores for this reason and I hear they aren't even platform unique. I only want my scores to be compared to people playing under the EXACT same conditions as me. Is that too much to ask for?

While in principle you are correct, no table on 360 is updated to be made harder. All of them are made easier. The only exception could be any CV updates with the outlanes, we don't know how that will pan out.

360 (which is the forum this thread is under) has its own leaderboard btw, so no comparison of versions with iOS and PS3.


New member
May 26, 2012
It's a pretty big issue for me and lovely though the darker tables look, the brightness and ferocity of the flashing inserts makes it actually unpleasant to follow ball movement.

Yes! The amount of lighting bloom on those MM inserts makes it highly distracting. It's very similar to the over-saturated lights on the 360 version of ToM. I thought that was something that was being reduced to keep it more in line with the PS3 visually. BoP, however, looks fantastic. :)

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