Pinball Arcade Fans Appreciation Thread


Jul 7, 2012
Quick thankyou to everyone involved with Pinball Arcade Fans - not sure who pays to host the site, but it's very much appreciated.
Thanks also to the Mods and for keeping everything running in order and improving the site as times gone by and for everyone who contributes.
I probably spend as much time on here as I do playing the game, and check back most days for a read.

Long live TPA and long live!

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Oh, boy! There's a ton of people here I want to thank, but the primary ones are:

- Pinballwiz45b for being a great friend and being able to learn some pinball skills from him
- The FarSight streamers (Devin and Mike) for being such nice guys who supported me and others in bringing pinball to a wide audience
- Heretic for bringing a ton of hijinx and comedy to the site :p
- Nightwing for interviewing and hanging out with me at Pintastic, along with other interactions on the forums
- and shutyertrap for turning me into a big movie geek. :)

Thanks to everyone for holding up with my craziness over the years and I hope to make some more friends on the forums whenever I can. You guys are the best! :D


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
This site is absolutely Gord Lacey's doing. He's the one who pays to keep the lights turned on. I suggest you all follow him on Twitter and enjoy his Canadian ways.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
whos gord?

edit - i find it amusing that a new guy knows and fungi is like wait a mintue a cannuck! time for a member faq or some ****.

Ive been taking a break the last while, various unimportant reasons.

Ive met some great people where over the years(except fungi of course)

I remember thinking hmm i have a couple of questions about this new pinball game, ill sign up to this forum, probably wont use it but i guess a junk account will be fine. over 3 years later i think we all know ive a problem! a good one but a problem.

heres to another 3 years boys!*cheers*
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New member
Sep 27, 2012
I have thanked gord a couple of times. first time was in my user interduction thread, then also in the irc chat. but I guess it never hurts to thank someone again.

thanks gord. I use your website multiple times daily. (there use to be a time that I checked it every 15 mins.) lots of great info here and really great people.

why you would ever mod a drunken Irishman, i'll never know.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
Love this forum. Great information and good people here(even the non Canucks). Totally addicted to TPA and the forum. It's all good though keeps me out of trouble. Thanks Gord.


New member
May 24, 2013
i want to thank everyone ,it`s been great !!!i`m nearly 56 but i feel like a 10 year old all over again !!! thanks again everyone. :cool:


New member
May 10, 2012
I want to thank people like wolfson, that are even older than me. Makes me feel like a brat, even in my 40' and I love it :D Just kidding, I only need pinball for that.

That is just one of the cool things about this forum. Pinball geeks from late teens to at least late 60' all gather around what started out as a small phone app with 4 tables. Pretty cool.

So many to thank, but Gord is the reason we are all here, so he must have special mention.

Of course I would never have stayed on, if not for all those who were around in the beginning, making the forum such a fantastic place to visit.

Most of them are still here. Thank god :)

Some highlights that kept me coming back(there are of course many more)

-The craziness of people like Heretic and Fungi
-Pinball insightful tips from people like Sean Don Carlos, Kevlar and others
-The cool laid back attitude of people like Jeff and Kolchak and others
-The ability to actually talk directly with some of the Farsight guys
-The share drive and passion from shutyertrap and others

And that is just on the top of my head. So much more.

Keep the flame burning, dudes!!
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