FX3 WMS Wishlist


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Here's my list.

1) TWILIGHT ZONE. This needs to be made the ball buster it is in real life.
2) TAF. I was a backer for this, and i say it was too damn easy. The power doesn't feel right (to be fair that's really hard), the flippers don't aim right.
3) Bad Cats. because they needs some easy tables. :) This one should NOT be a ball buster. particularly it should have a railroad on the center ramp from the center of the left flipper, just like real life. Yes, it's supposed to be that easy.
4) Indiana Jones. The one with the path of adventure. :)
5) Radical.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
1. Make all this available for Android.
2. Make all this available for Android.
3. Make this all available for Android.
until then I'm not interested at all...
And then.....
Special Force
Blackwater 100
The Shadow
Party Animal
Bad Cats
X's and O's
Big Guns

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
1. Make all this available for Android.
2. Make all this available for Android.
3. Make this all available for Android.
Zen said on FB it will come to mobile eventually.

I'll happily give it a go, but tbh I'm not expecting the mobile version to be great.

Based on the current Zen mobile app, their camera angles are all biased towards landscape play, which I don't think works for Pinball. Yes they do have portrait cameras but they all seem too high looking straight down. This means you can't clearly see flipper. Ideally you want space to keep thumbs on screen without obscuring the view, then the bottom of the screen zoomed so the outlanes are visible, table tilted back so you can just fit the hud gui and top end of the table visible, without too much back box eating up real estate.
Zen never got this. Farsight did.

And Farsights touch nudge zone positioning is best having several options, my favourite being just above the flipper zone ie a short quick reach.
Zen's zones are way too high up to be any use.

I'm always happy for more Pinball options so I'll give it a go when it comes.
I could only see me really buying stuff I haven't got in TPA, but who knows.
I must admit a harder, better physics version of TZ would be good.
I couldn't resist another version of Black Knight either or Black Rose.

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Active member
Feb 9, 2014
Zen said on FB it will come to mobile eventually.

I'll happily give it a go, but tbh I'm not expecting the mobile version to be great.

Based on the current Zen mobile app, their camera angles are all biased towards landscape play, which I don't think works for Pinball. Yes they do have portrait cameras but they all seem too high looking straight down. This means you can't clearly see flipper. Ideally you want space to keep thumbs on screen without obscuring the view, then the bottom of the screen zoomed so the outlanes are visible, table tilted back so you can just fit the hud gui and top end of the table visible, without too much back box eating up real estate.
Zen never got this. Farsight did.
true. But I did try ZEN games on my Android TV and it's OK. I'm more concerned how old and crappy HW will they try to support and how much will game suffer because of that.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
true. But I did try ZEN games on my Android TV and it's OK. I'm more concerned how old and crappy HW will they try to support and how much will game suffer because of that.
The current Zen Android app is a broken mess on newer phones with their long aspect ratios. The app just about works but the resolution is corrupt and looks awful on my Huawei p20 pro.

I was having a moan about this to them, but they did reply that a new app would cater to and utilise newer devices strengths.

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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
My top two are carry overs from years of begging FarSight...

1. Rollergames
2. NBA Fastbreak (with linked head to head option)

After those, I'd like a mix of tables we haven't played along with ones we have. So of the new to digital variety...

3. Vector
4. Mousin' Around
5. Indiana Jones
6. Johnny Mnemonic (and then do that cool Matrix mod to it!)
7. Dirty Harry
8. Game Show
9. The Shadow
10. Riverboat Gambler

As for the digital redo's...

11. Cactus Canyon (with Cactus Canyon Continued)
12. Monster Bash
13. Whirlwind / Funhouse / Road Show (just Pat Lawlor across the board!)
14. Addams Family (because it's awesome)
15. Twilight Zone (because yes, make it brutal)

In general I want System 11 games, I want Bally widebody machines, bring on Medussa and other oddball tables you just don't see often. I think if within every pack there was at least one table that was new to digital, that'd be good. I've played to death the TPA tables, and I know with Zen they'll have a fresh lease on life, but let's always have something to sink our teeth into.


New member
Jan 2, 2015
After those, I'd like a mix of tables we haven't played along with ones we have. So of the new to digital variety...

3. Vector
4. Mousin' Around
5. Indiana Jones
6. Johnny Mnemonic (and then do that cool Matrix mod to it!)
7. Dirty Harry
8. Game Show
9. The Shadow
10. Riverboat Gambler

As for the digital redo's...

11. Cactus Canyon (with Cactus Canyon Continued)
12. Monster Bash
13. Whirlwind / Funhouse / Road Show (just Pat Lawlor across the board!)
14. Addams Family (because it's awesome)
15. Twilight Zone (because yes, make it brutal)
And 'gimp' the spinner on Jhonny Mnemonic, not fun having just one mode because it brings in most points.
And yeah, harder tables i.e. make em like the real ones.


New member
Jul 12, 2013
Top 5 tables already in TPA I would like to see redone:

1. Monster Bash
2. Tales of the Arabian Night
3. The Addam's Family
4. Theatre of Magic
5. Creature from the Black Lagoon(with all the songs)

top 10 tables I would like to see that never got into TPA:

1. Indiana Jones
2. The Shadow
3. Flash Gordon
4. Medusa
5. Barracora
6. Space Station
7. Embryon
8. Grand Lizard
9. Defender
10. Blackout

11th and 12th alternate picks would be Alien Poker and Mata Hari


New member
Oct 5, 2017
I think if within every pack there was at least one table that was new to digital, that'd be good. I've played to death the TPA tables, and I know with Zen they'll have a fresh lease on life, but let's always have something to sink our teeth into.

Overlooked this before but definitely agree. The lack of a new table in pack 1 was the only thing that disappointed me about Zen's announcement.

bring on Medussa and other oddball tables you just don't see often.



Active member
Aug 1, 2012
For tables that didn't make it to TPA, Indy for sure and the Shadow. I don't know if Pinball 2000 would be worth it, but I've been curious about Revenge from Mars.

But I'd love to see most of the Season 1-2 tables get a fresh coat of paint, Monster Bash for sure, and Cirqus Voltaire would look great with updated lighting.

I’m all for this!

Also every Steve Ritchie & Pat Lawlor table that they can do (including Banzai Run)

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