Recent content by BlueMarble

  1. B

    Bug Very poor audio quality on PS4 version.

    Downloading the patch now. I'm reading a lot of different reactions, but it sounds like the PS4 sound is still broken overall. Fix one thing, break another. Sad to hear. Fingers crossed that Farsight will finally sort it out and fix it sooner rather than later.
  2. B

    Bug Very poor audio quality on PS4 version.

    Well, I'm really hoping this is finally true, but according to Mike on the PS Blog the sound is finally getting fixed. "Great news! Question for you Mike- Is the low quality sound of the PS4 version going to finally be fixed as well? Hope so. Thanks, keep up the great work Farsight! Mike...
  3. B

    Bug Very poor audio quality on PS4 version.

    Glad to hear I'm not alone. Come on Farsight, lets get this fixed. Pinball Arcade has had tons of technical problems, but this is the biggest one I can think of. And on PS4, which should be their prime product. I personally think Farsight needs to do away with their "build the mobile platform...
  4. B

    Bug Very poor audio quality on PS4 version.

    Do you think we'll see the sound fixed in the month of June? I sure hope so. It has gotten to the point that I don't even play the PS4 version because the sound is so bad. I can't wait until it is fixed!
  5. B

    Bug Very poor audio quality on PS4 version.

    Any word on when the sound will be fixed?
  6. B

    Request Dark mode: Make the ball's light reflection lighter

    I think giving the players options is the way to approach this. If a player wants a dark table with a bright ball that should be the player's choice and you should be able to turn that option on if you would like to. Everyone's television sets are set differently in terms of brightness and...
  7. B

    Bug Very poor audio quality on PS4 version.

    I'm looking forward to the patch for the low quality sound. The game plays great on PS4, so the full quality sound files will be a welcome patch! Thanks for the hard work, Farsight!
  8. B

    Pinball in 3D is %#%%!!. A Review of the PlayStation 3D Display/Zen 2 in 3D.

    Has Farsight released 3D on The Pinball Arcade for PS3? Or are you testing it on another version? I'm very much looking forward to stereoscopic 3D on the PS4 version. Hopefully it'll come along not too long after release. I've heard Trine2 for PS4 has pretty awesome stereoscopic 3D so I'd...
  9. B

    PS3 Pinball Arcade in 3D

    From the Playstation Blog: "+ Bobby King on February 5th, 2013 at 12:59 pm said: Stereoscopic 3D support is in the works. We hope to debut it next month in Texas." Now that is excellent news! It will be really awesome to have the Pinball Arcade running in 3D!
  10. B

    Pinball in 3D is %#%%!!. A Review of the PlayStation 3D Display/Zen 2 in 3D.

    Excellent! Nice to get a direct reply from Bobby King. I'm really excited about Pinball Arcade in 3D!
  11. B

    Pinball in 3D is %#%%!!. A Review of the PlayStation 3D Display/Zen 2 in 3D.

    Quick question for those that have 3D Zen Pinball 2 on PS3. Do you get ghosting on the tables? I get some especially down near the flippers. I'm new to 3D televisions and wasn't sure if I need to adjust the settings better. If everyone else has ghosting near the flippers I'll just ignore it and...
  12. B

    Duo Pinball Controller For iOS

    I have the Duo Pinball. It is really awesome, but it would be infinitely more awesome if it worked with The Pinball Arcade. I hope Farsight can add support for it.
  13. B

    Request General Wish List Thread

    3D support on PS3! Try Zen Pinball 2 in 3D and you will understand how incredible this is! It blew away my expectations.
  14. B

    PS3 Pinball Arcade in 3D

    I've now experienced Zen Pinball 2 in 3D on a PS3, and it is the most amazing video Pinball I've ever experienced! I'm hoping that The Pinball Arcade will receive the same treatment! Who else has experienced it, and how can we best go about encouraging Farsight to make this a reality? Alright...
  15. B

    Pinball in 3D is %#%%!!. A Review of the PlayStation 3D Display/Zen 2 in 3D.

    I would like to voice my agreement with Spoonman. Pinball in 3D is heaven! I have been playing video pinball since Pro Pinball. I bought the Sony Ps3 3D display yesterday thinking it would make Zen Pinball 2 a little bit cooler. What I discovered was way beyond my expectations, it is phenomenal...

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