Recent content by dmil666

  1. dmil666

    Master List of Issues: Pinball FX

    I've been playing Junkyard in flips mode on a PC, and the game never counts all the way down to zero. In fact I haven't seen it get below 120 flips yet. What happens is a some point, never the same point, when you lose a ball it goes into the "end of the last ball sequence" where it adds up your...
  2. dmil666

    Pinball FX released

    Mine unlocked too, and so far I stink out loud playing. I turned off the animations too, like I have with most of the other tables - they're very cute & well done, but just too distracting for my little pea-brain. It's a fun table though.
  3. dmil666

    Pinball FX released

    Yeah, I'm having the same problem with Addams Family. I guess I'd better open a ticket too. I got the pack fill-outs too, so another warm fuzzy to Zen.
  4. dmil666

    The Pinball Show S2E10 -- ADDAMS FAMILY?!

    Did they mention a release date for Addams Family?
  5. dmil666

    Forum closure

    Yay! I has a happy.
  6. dmil666

    Multiple FX Pinball announcements today, plus first looks!

    Hokay, I've installed the latest update (0.1.3 (52386)) and the the tables play ok until I enable cabinet mode, then things slow to a crawl and becomes unplayable and eventually ignores all input and you have to alt-ctrl-delete out of the program. If you disable cabinet mode before it hangs, it...
  7. dmil666

    Multiple FX Pinball announcements today, plus first looks!

    Ok, I see what my problem was - cabinet mode. If you start the game and don't activate cabinet mode, the News, My Tables, Events, Collectibles and Shop tabs are enabled and the previous & next tab buttons work. If you start the game & go straight into cabinet mode (which I almost always do)...
  8. dmil666

    Multiple FX Pinball announcements today, plus first looks!

    Thanks, I thought that was new, it was something else that appeared after the reboot.
  9. dmil666

    Multiple FX Pinball announcements today, plus first looks!

    Just installed the latest update version 0.1.2 (50485), and as far as I can tell (so far) the only changes are to the selection tabs across the top. You can't select "shop" directly anymore, just "News" and "My Tables". If you click on an un-owned table, a button for "purchase" is shown. I...
  10. dmil666

    Multiple FX Pinball announcements today, plus first looks!

    Yeah, the need to exit & restart the game for various changes to happen is a drag, but that should be temporary. I hope. The bit with the playfield view changing during multiball is a real pain and I dislike it intensely, but I haven't found a way around it. If someone has a fix, I'd love to...
  11. dmil666

    Multiple FX Pinball announcements today, plus first looks!

    First off, let me say D'oh! That was a very obvious thing to try, and I did it and it works. I copied over and renamed the back glass images from FX3 and they load just fine. Now I need to find a Pinball FX screen image (using the FX3 image for now) and a Curse of the Mummy backglass image...
  12. dmil666

    Multiple FX Pinball announcements today, plus first looks!

    I was able to activate cabinet mode. I got a DMD black box on my main display (empty until you load a table) that covers up main menu screen stuff and an empty window on my second display that's complaining about a file that it can't find. I can't read the filename because the window's co-ords...
  13. dmil666

    Guess the next Williams Table

    I'd love to see Zen do Addams Family.
  14. dmil666

    Multiple FX Pinball announcements today, plus first looks!

    I bought Attack from Mars, Theatre of Magic & CFTBL because they're my favourite tables and I wanted to play them. Ten bucks for three tables is OK by me. They all play well (and the joystick/plunger works on the tables that have them, duh) although they seem awfully lively, but that could just...

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