Big Xbox sale going on now. Not sure when it started but all the remaining Williams tables I don't have are anywhere from 50% to 65% off. Indy is $5.24, Next Generation is $4.99, Twilight Zone is $3.99 etc. Indy and Next Generation have 7 days left while the rest have 16 days left. If you've...
Long time no post. The continued lack of sales on the Xbox is disappointing. I figured there would be a huge sale coinciding with the May 16th update but nope. Still waiting for sales on the remaining Williams tables I don't have. The lack of new Williams tables is also disappointing.
The big May 16th update and overhaul has come and gone. Lots of bug fixes for the Williams tables which is nice. To me the new Pinhall is just a reskin of the old one. The backgrounds on the tables are still the same. The music has more layers but still kind of the same as well. The UI tweaks...
Star Trek TNG was just announced as the new Williams table. Standard 10 dollar big license price point. Been a while since a sale. I keep spending my points on other games. Just picked up Wreckfest Complete Edition on sale. Great game. Played it a ton on the PS4 but never beat it. It's 60 FPS...
Hurricane seems well done. I never really played this one on Pinball Arcade due to not liking clowns but this version is fun. I enjoy ramps and it has a very simple ruleset. Hitting the Hurricane ramp repeatedly during multiball is the key to this game but it's hard for me to do. Nice theme...
Well I had to get Cyberpunk and The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Complete Edition when they were on sale. Stacking up more rewards points again though so I'm ready for the next sale. I heard that Williams Packs 1 and 2 already went on a deeper sale than the initial 33% off one. I'm pretty stacked on huge...
The Elvira tables are too adult for the new Pinball FX? Hope not. I'd like to see Scared Stiff around Halloween time in the new game or at least some kind of spooky themed table around Halloween.
If there was another game that had the more mature pins in it then that would be okay I suppose. I...
I thought I heard that in the next patch your owned tables tab would show up by default on each load of the game but that isn't the case. Still have to scroll down and select it each time, even in the same session if you tab away.
Really?! I think there's been an update on console to fix flipper lag which I never experienced in the first place. On June 8th new tables are coming so if there aren't any major bug fixes with that update, well.... the game is sitting at a 1.9 out of 5 user score on Xbox. BTW, the current Event...
An issue that's really glaring is the audio on the tables peaking and breaking up during play. It's more noticeable on some tables like Medieval Madness and Space Station. It can come and go, very strange. Crow's live FX streams on Youtube show the problem, especially Medieval Madness on PC. On...
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