Recent content by KronusScythe

  1. K

    10% one-time discount in North American PSN store through this weekend (1/26/14)

    Don't bother for this abandoned game. Rumors of any update being held up by Sony were false. There never was any update being worked on by these devs. Unfortunate this casts a poor light on other indie developers that support their games. Pretty sad.
  2. K

    Bug Ball movement patch

  3. K

    Bug Ball movement patch

    Is there a bug report area in the pinball arcade web site? Seems silly to post all the bug reports on a fan forum that the devs may never see. It's not my intension to embarrass the devs but to help improve the game.
  4. K

    Bug Ball movement patch

    I'll try that. Maybe a compilation of clips when I play again. On another note, try attack from mars. The skill shot when you hold the left flipper up and shoot the ball. Notice when the ball comes down the left side and hits the upraised left flipper it will bounce to varying degrees. Sometimes...
  5. K

    Bug Ball movement patch

    Are you playing the ps4 version? I noticed you've been on this forum since 2012. Maybe it plays differently on older systems. Possibly didn't port over to next gen well.
  6. K

    Bug Ball movement patch

    Maybe my expectations for this game are too high. I've spent many years playing real pinball and I just don't think they are able to reliably recreate real ball movement yet. On the plus side, it's nice to see some of the old tables again.
  7. K

    Bug Ball movement patch

    It doesn't really seem restricted to any one table, but the one that springs to my mind is medieval madness. If it were a real table I would simply remove the glass and remove the dust and debris from the playing surface. Can't really do that here ;). I tried restarting the game and even...
  8. K

    Bug Ball movement patch

    Does anyone have information when the erratic ball movement will be fixed?
  9. K

    The 4 new tables on Tuesday. How much will they cost altogether?

    I was looking for a season 3 bundle price and it appears that the tables are sold only non-bundled. I bought the disc with about 22 tables for $30. Now they want $30 for 6 tables?

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