Recent content by Larvi

  1. L

    Bug Save Data bug

    Thanks, yes , I just tried several times and finally got it to load with my old data. Very strange but good to know my save data does still exist somewhere.
  2. L

    Bug Save Data bug

    Thanks for the reply, so my good save data is still out the cloud somewhere it's just not getting associated with my profile under certain circumstances? If I keep restarting the game will it eventually work or am I pretty much out of luck now until a fix is released? Thanks.
  3. L

    Bug Save Data bug

    So how does one go about getting their old cloud save data back when this happens or does it get overwritten with the blank save data when you quit out again? Just picked this up as part of the sale and pretty miffed I lost all of my high scores/goals. It's like the old days before nvram for...

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