Recent content by Patrick McBride

  1. P

    DX11 Public Beta Bugs

    I'm running a GeForce GTX260... just noticed that is the same card Silverballs is using and he got the same crash :/
  2. P

    DX11 Public Beta Bugs

    I can't even load the DX11 version. I immediately get a "PinballArcade11.exe has stopped working" error and it quits out. I deleted the game and re-downloaded the entire thing from Steam again (plus dx11 beta) and updated my video drivers just in case. Same error. Anyone else getting this? Any...
  3. P

    Request Steam Leaderboards

    I purposely created a new Farsight account for use with the PC version as I didn't want my scores from iOS on the PC version. I really think they should be separated or categorized as the tables play differently on different devices. Also, as a side note, there seems to be no option to reset...
  4. P

    Request Steam Leaderboards

    It's bad enough that friend leaderboards are not supported... but it's even worse that the screen is in the game! I spent a good long while trying to figure out how to add friends just to learn that it's not even supported. After waiting all this time for the PC version I'm still gonna hold off...
  5. P

    Bug 200k Skill Shot Too Easy?

    OK, let me update that... just loaded it now and tried pulling back, holding, then releasing and it got the 200k every time. I could have sworn it was going in 25k before when I tried that. :confused:
  6. P

    IOS: Camera stuck in multiball mode

    Yup, this happens to me every time on BOP!! SO ANNOYING! As if I didn't hate the multiball camera enough, it's just a slap in the face to keep it there even after multiball is over. It seems to stay until the camera switches to the plunger.
  7. P

    iOS - Bug Sound cuts out

    I noticed an abrupt sound cut-off on the match screen as well. Also, yes... sometimes when I'm playing it's completely silent. (iOS)
  8. P

    Bug 200k Skill Shot Too Easy?

    It's actually kinda hard for me to get on my 3rd gen iPod Touch. It seems if I quickly pull it back and let go I can get 200k sometimes, but if I pull it back, hold, then release it's 25k. Seems a good difficulty level for me.
  9. P

    Mac version!

    Some of the design choices Farsight make are truly baffling... I don't have a Mac, but I'm just imagining controlling flippers with keys that close together and it's hurting my brain. WHY would this even be considered??! Every other pinball game has used the shift keys and they work perfectly...
  10. P

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    I completely agree! I check their Facebook page a few times a day and hardly ever see ANYTHING from them... then I read news on the forum about announcements they made in response to somebody, somewhere. Terrible system for delivering news to fans :(
  11. P

    Texas pinball festival

    Yeah, big lack of news here and on Facebook... I know some people got to see the new tables.
  12. P

    Contact Valve To Request The Pinball Arcade On Steam...DIRECT LINK ENCLOSED!

    No problem! I'll post it over there now :)
  13. P

    Contact Valve To Request The Pinball Arcade On Steam...DIRECT LINK ENCLOSED!

    Thanks for the link! Just sent in mine... wrote quite a bit and hopefully they'll see the passion we gamers have for TPA :) Maybe you should post a link to this thread on the Facebook page to get more emails sent. I know many people on these were interested in writing to Steam but didn't know...
  14. P

    PC Release news

    Did you guys see this on Facebook... "Our best guess is that the PC version will be available in May or June. If you want to help us - please email Steam with requests for our game and questions as to when it will be coming out. Thanks!" Anyone here email Valve or have any idea how we can...
  15. P

    PC Release news

    Yeah, really glad they cleared that one up! Sorry for scaring anyone... I did notice the original question was for "phone", but Farsight's answer didn't seem to be specific to that. I apologize! It's great that it WILL be coming to Windows 7... but we still have no idea when :(

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