Recent content by Rincewind

  1. Rincewind

    Farsight in the Process of Ordering Virtual Pinball Cabinet!!!!

    Hey Mike, for the upcoming release of TPA, will it be possible to play the landscape mode in portrait view? Something like this here, like "flipping" the landscape view to fit a vertically oriented LCD monitor? I've got a pinball cabinet and this would make the wait for a full fledged portrait...
  2. Rincewind

    PC Release news

    AFAIK, in order to contact steam support you actually need to create an account ... I still have to find an e-mail adress to contact them without registering. But nevermind, I'll register anyway. Edit: guys, follow this forum post, you got all...
  3. Rincewind

    PC Release news

    What happend to good ol' days when games where released first on PC and then on consoles. :confused: sigh...

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