
one day a man and a woman shared a special kind of hug. The kind that summons a stork. Unfortunately the cabbage that stork was carrying got lost and that man and woman had to make due with one they stole from the toy factory down the way. Despite its haphazard condition they loved it very much, and Bacon ipsum dolor amet turducken beef ut sunt lorem, dolor cow aute consequat ham ham hock. Qui ipsum flank, aliqua short ribs fatback et pork loin proident shankle. Aliqua meatball veniam consectetur capicola strip steak meatloaf excepteur venison cupidatat deserunt in minim leberkas cillum. Alcatra voluptate consequat, leberkas adipisicing deserunt tri-tip pancetta beef ribs ea in culpa tongue. Alcatra pork loin kevin commodo, et beef ground round fugiat brisket veniam venison adipisicing flank. Laboris t-bone meatloaf rump minim, non pork ad officia porchetta sunt laborum bresaola.

junk and stuff
Conjectural Technologies
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i7 GTX 960M, Shield Tablet + other 'droids you aren't looking for


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