I really hope that Stern recognizes what a slapped together, piss poor product Farsight has developed in their name and applies some pressure to get SPA fixed. Because obviously FS does not listen to the complaints here or on Facebook at all.
TPA I am sure is a lost cause.
What lighting issues?
As a side note: for as much as I criticize FS, I must admit when they do something right, and having the sliders makes a big difference. Fired up Big Shot for the first time since the sliders were added and the lighting is mighty impressive.
A joke. That is what Farsight's support for consoles is. I can only hope that people who come to this forum while researching whether or not to buy TPA will figure out that their money is better spent elsewhere. ANY other company putting out pinball games today does it better.
After spending...
I have bought five seasons of this game based on the physics provided, so no, I do not expect new physics in the game. I do expect a relatively bug-free program (no showstoppers, maybe a nagging little thing here and there) for my coin, however, and it's a damn "far sight" from being there!
One company has the exclusive license to recreate Williams, Bally, Gottlieb, and Stern tables. No competition in the marketplace; if you want to play these classic tables, this is the only option (yeah I know VB, fanboy homemade copies do not count).
It's called a monopoly. No reason to do...
5-6 months, that's the time frame for TPA console releases. Been buying tables for years on both the PS3 and now the XB1 and it is always been that way. It's going to be a while yet.
Wife and oldest daughter play, typically with a few drinks on a weekend evening. They love it so much that we are going to the pinball museum in Vegas this summer!
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