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  1. Extork

    It's Jan. 7th 2018 & SPA for iOS still has a huge, ugly joystick overlay from Nov. 2

    Damn. If only I had one of those a month and a half ago before I’ve had 2 cars get wrecked. Or.... the fact that Microsoft Outlook sucks all the balls while trying to view insurance information on my phone...
  2. Extork

    Sorcerer Metal Textures?

    Just to be clear, this is the negativity thread for Sorcerer iOS? Ok good. Cause I’ve had my ass chapped by the crashing. You know that game where you’re doing everything perfect and then the screen goes black, yeah. That’s what we pay for fellaz. And that’s what we get. A broken game.
  3. Extork

    Sorcerer the worst graphics I’ve seen on iOS

    The backglass looks nice. But it's not like we see that very much. I can deal with the graphics not being the best. One thing that bugs me even more than that is the ball bouncing off of the top of the lower right flipper. It makes it really tough to aim for that left ramp. Even from a trap it...
  4. Extork

    The Random Thought Thread

    Take a break from meat for a sec. this salad contains lunch meat, cheese, green stuff, other stuff from my fridge, and a crushed up windmill cookie. I don't remember eating it, but here it is... [/URL][/IMG]
  5. Extork

    Bug Game ends with tilt.

    Thanks. It’s just that I’ve never noticed that with any other EMs on TPA. So this is the one table that will end your game from tilting. Good to know
  6. Extork

    Bug Game ends with tilt.

    It's not clear to me when this bug started happening. But recently I've noticed that tilting at any time, whether it's the first ball, or any other ball will cause the whole game to end. I'm playing on an iPad Air 2, and an iPhone 7. So maybe it's specific to IOS. Any thoughts would be helpful.
  7. Extork

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Hey guys. I'm in the chat. On my iPad. Join me!
  8. Extork

    First Impressions

    Just a notch up above Central Park. Maybe a couple. The only reason I've been playing it is to get the rollover goal. Who requested this table? Why was it made? I'm fine with EMs, I'd love to see more. Wild Card is fun. Yeah, nudging is everything on this table, and I tilt quite a lot too. But...
  9. Extork

    New Releases Coming???

    My life exactly
  10. Extork

    Nu Skool Breaks

    I always thought this was transformerman. But I finally found it. Enjoy
  11. Extork

    November 10th Tournament

    For just 10 minutes, it seems like boosting the recon level to at least 5 works. I really like orbit multiball.
  12. Extork

    Just released on mobile, issues here

    It's like the best frozen burrito ever, but when you stick it in the mic, it blows a fuse half way through, but you eat it anyways.
  13. Extork

    Pinball featured in commercials?

    You've finally listened to my soundcloud?
  14. Extork

    Worst Pinball Experience?

    I have a very simple layout
  15. Extork

    Worst Pinball Experience?

    Oh get over here you big lug. Hercules is my middle name. Sounds like an awful experience, that table
  16. Extork

    Table Pack #67 Speculation

    I think the followup with Punchy the Clown was even better If the 69 pack isn't playboy, well, it should just be playboy. But Halloween table with boobs would scare some people.
  17. Extork

    Table Pack #67 Speculation

    I like to skip straight to 69
  18. Extork

    August 25th Tournament

    Why do I let myself get upset over a 3.7 mil Black Knight game that didn't go through for some reason. It would've taken me from #40 to #7 for that table. Now every time I play it, I get too pissed off to focus. But no one cares. Why should I let myself get so mad if no one cares?
  19. Extork

    Is there a place I can view all the pinballs?

    If rather talk a lot of balls, than see balls. Like blue balls
  20. Extork

    Is there a place I can view all the pinballs?

    We need you to be more specific. Do you mean the custom balls? But if tha is what you mean, eye'd recommend getting the eyeball ball. I really like the Star Trek balls. Not sure about the Addams Family ones, but I hear good things about them. As of recently, I'm really liking the glow balls. The...

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