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  1. Jeff Strong

    TPA Streaming Thread

    You and your witchcraft!
  2. Jeff Strong

    Update changed everything to worse!

    The latest beta says the launch camera was updated, but that seems to be about it.
  3. Jeff Strong

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Oh behaaaaaaave....
  4. Jeff Strong

    [It's Over] Farsight previewing BR live on Twitch

    We're even breaking news to Farsight staff! Talk about cutting edge! :-D
  5. Jeff Strong

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    I miss my hairy....rise and shine, sleeping beauty.
  6. Jeff Strong

    What have you been playing? (Besides pinball)

    That game is pretty cool as well actually. Would be a lot better with real online play, but even just competing with your friend's ghost laps is fun.
  7. Jeff Strong

    [It's Over] Farsight previewing BR live on Twitch

    If you're on iOS you have to download the app...but the video will probably be archived afterwards.
  8. Jeff Strong

    [It's Over] Farsight previewing BR live on Twitch

    It's the PC version...they're answering general questions too.
  9. Jeff Strong

    [It's Over] Farsight previewing BR live on Twitch
  10. Jeff Strong

    What have you been playing? (Besides pinball)

    Any RC fans out there? My brother and I like to bash 'em around. He found this really cool PC simulator that's F2P and quite a blast:
  11. Jeff Strong

    What have you been playing? (Besides pinball)

    Baldur's Gate 2 is out on iOS! $15 and nearly 2GB...definitely worth it though.
  12. Jeff Strong

    Is nudging an absolute necessary skill to master ?

    No it's not absolutely necessary, but it makes things a hell of a lot easier. When I first started playing TPA, I sucked at nudging because I don't really do it much in real life. Well, now I'm to the point where I've gotten so good at nudging that I feel like I'm cheating (a lot of this has...
  13. Jeff Strong

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Ha, such a derailment!
  14. Jeff Strong

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Once you acquire a trusty Heretic decoder (I personally found mine in a box of Cracker Jacks), the message becomes quite clear...albeit a bit shocking!
  15. Jeff Strong

    The Random Thought Thread

    I wasn't aware, but apparently the polar vortex hit us too!
  16. Jeff Strong

    Advice for pc upgrade

    I was going to post the same.
  17. Jeff Strong

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    He actually makes a lot of sense. Don't let my friendly jabs here mislead you. He's not as foolish as you would think. :)
  18. Jeff Strong

    The Random Thought Thread

    I've heard of breaking a bone in a crash, but never getting a bone:

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