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  1. Canadian365

    Bug Stern pinball on PS4 no longer loads!?

    Patch 1.04 for PS4 Stern Arcade now out, and has fixed the issues as well as some other fixes! Game now starts properly. Thanks:cool:
  2. Canadian365

    Bug Stern pinball on PS4 no longer loads!?

    Ok will try, guess I wasn't waiting long enough, after 30-45 seconds I gave up. Updated: Pressing the circle button brought up loading screen as Pin Wiz stated, and game started as it should have originally. Hopefully the fix is completed soon, for those not aware of this forum, and think the...
  3. Canadian365

    Bug Stern pinball on PS4 no longer loads!?

    Ok Thanks for the update. Look forward to your resolution of issue.
  4. Canadian365

    Bug Stern pinball on PS4 no longer loads!?

    Today I thought I would play some Stern Arcade on my PS4. However the game will not load after intial slash screen. and goes to a blank screen? I’ve deleted and reinstalled and still same issue persists? Is anyone else having this issue? 2018/03/23
  5. Canadian365

    Patch 1.20 NA and 1.21 EU

    My bad trophy appears when started table! Thanks for the quick reply, and keep up the good work Tom!
  6. Canadian365

    Patch 1.20 NA and 1.21 EU

    With the latest PS4 update installed, I thought previously completed table goals were to be recognized, and trophy would be given? I have not been giving trophies for completed Standard or Wizard goals? Is this being patched?
  7. Canadian365

    Pinball Arcade Version 1.17 Now live on PSN/PS4

    I noticed that on Dr. WHO MOT on PS4 the Ball shooter lane does not light up like it does on STEAM, when you start ball in play v.1.17 NA.
  8. Canadian365

    Bug Problems opening in ps4 game

    No issues here in Canada v 1.16.
  9. Canadian365

    Dr. Who: Master Of Time Is Now Available!

    Just unlocked MOT with Kickstarter support code for PS4! Big improvement over Ghostbusters presentation, like the new color DMD. I have room brightness at full and table still appears too dark, I can improve a little if I tweak my TV settings. I sure miss trophies for tables, helped me keep...
  10. Canadian365

    Pinball Arcade Version 1.16 Now live on PSN/PS4 (Dual Light Slider added)

    NA 1.16 update bugs. I have limited play with new update. Have noticed the "Fake Flashers" seems to be resolved on CV, and Red. However "Fake Flasher" issue still shows up in HS2 when the 3 red Supercharger lights are activated. Also noticed CV Neon tube is still to dim.
  11. Canadian365

    STERN Pinball Arcade is now live on PSN (for the PS4)

    I thought the tables looked dark also. But then i switched to "Game" video setting from "THX" in my tv settings and tables look great! AC/DC is great table, star Trek is good, havent played Mustang yet. Can't see myself re buying other tables, no in incentive for me.
  12. Canadian365

    If you had to destroy one pinball machine, which would you choose?

    If somebody could provide me with a pristine Gold Edition Addams Family pinball machine. I promise I will destroy it privately in my home! #MakeItHappen
  13. Canadian365

    Downloading new tables issue.

    PS4 Season 5 Pass not working...feels like a silver ball Multiball to the nuts! Hope this is fixed within 24 hrs :confused: Also the fake flasher lighting issue have not been fixed with update!? :( "The squares your seeing are basically walls that we fake flasher lighting on for platforms that...
  14. Canadian365

    Pinball Arcade 1.5GB PS4 update?

    Mars Attacks strobe Multiball now works! Admit I haven't played in a while, so may have been working in previous update.
  15. Canadian365

    T shirt has arrived....yeah

    Two thumbs up!
  16. Canadian365

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    Should be announced by end of this week! ;)
  17. Canadian365

    Stereoscopic 3D on PS4

    I believe FS stated in past they would not offer 3D Stereoscopic display for PS4, only for PS3. :( :confused:
  18. Canadian365

    The Music Video Thread

    George Jones - Choices
  19. Canadian365

    The Music Video Thread

    Corrosion Of Conformity - Vote with a Bullet
  20. Canadian365

    The Music Video Thread

    Ween - It's Gonna be Alright

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