Any chance we might see Bluetooth Keyboard support at some point? I would love to play with a keyboard since I normally have my ipad connected to one.
I managed to grab 18th place in the tourney, it mentioned that top 100 get a custom ball. Will directions for redeeming be forthcoming?
Thanks and just curious and excited. :)
This seems to be a circle jerk thread bashing anyone who criticizes Pinball Arcade. It's not constructive in the least. An example of a constructive thread would be to see which criticisms are valid and could be addressed by easy fixes in the app, or even just by suggestions from knowledgable...
I'm a huge supporter of Pinball Arcade, and automatically buy all the tables the moment they're out. I've supported via the kickstarter efforts as well.
You MUST Q/A your releases before sending them to the app store. There is NO WAY this release was QA'ed at all, and that is so very...
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