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  1. Jim O'Brien

    Real flipperbutton options on xbox 360.

    Too bad this wasn't a option albeit a pricey one.
  2. Jim O'Brien

    PS3 Version 2.0.4 (NA) Bugs & Feedback

    Played a couple games of Gorgar last night and noticed in two different games that there is a strange graphic glitch that happens when the ball is in the upper left hand side of the table. Not really sure what is causing this and when it is happening.
  3. Jim O'Brien

    New Store design is up 29 MB

    Yes I did it from the game itself by selecting the table, it wasn't in the store on Tuesday when I looked.
  4. Jim O'Brien

    Flipper lag theory

    Has anyone on here with PS3 tried using Component AV Cable instead of HDMI cords ? Think that may be my next purchase it is just hard to find them in the stores at least in Canada. Thankfully I'm in the U.S. every weekday for work and should start looking around over there. Getting back to...
  5. Jim O'Brien

    Flipper lag theory

    Funny you mentioned that our old TV is only 13" big and my wife asked why I had the old TV out. Told her I was playing pinball on there and she gave me the look.
  6. Jim O'Brien

    Pack #5 Initial Thoughts...

    The right return lane is a bit fast on Taxi, reminds me of the Medieval Madness dragon ramp. Other than that I'm enjoying Taxi it's right up there in my top 10 tables of all time. It can be rewarding when you get it rocking and lit up, but it can beat the hell out of real quick as well.
  7. Jim O'Brien

    No Good Gofers on TPA (PS3) What are your thoughts?

    Really like what they did with the ramps as far as colour goes.
  8. Jim O'Brien

    Fixable undesireables....

    We need something ASAP to fix flipper lag on PS3 it ruins the whole game for me. Hopefully we at least get something done before tournament time rolls around.
  9. Jim O'Brien

    Flipper lag theory

    If anyone else here still has a CRT TV do yourself a favor and hook up to that and test the differences, I understand some HDTV's are going to produce some lag but you will see just how much you are experiencing on your HDTV set up. The menu screens between tables even move incredibly fast on a...
  10. Jim O'Brien

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    Wasn't Goin' Nuts only on PSP ? I own the PS2 copy of Hall Of Fame and it isn't on there.
  11. Jim O'Brien

    Flipper lag theory

    I've changed my mind about lag now, hooked up our old CRT TV and tested a few tables and took out a few of my current scores in one game on each table. We definitely need a fix I'm running a 50" plasma TV with no game mode and even dropping my settings to 720p doesn't solve the problem all together.
  12. Jim O'Brien

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    Goin' Nuts had a production count of 10 so I'm not sure Farsight could ever get a hold of one. Genie is just my favorite Gottlieb my all time treasure would be Bally Fathom the best machine ever made imo.
  13. Jim O'Brien

    how many tz kickstarter supporters have gotten an email about rewards

    Here you go unclewilly. just email them directly. Support is at the bottom of the page.
  14. Jim O'Brien

    The Pinball Arcade Selection screen (a quick review of each!)

    I was thinking about the screens the other day and I'm to the point that maybe they have kept them low res for quicker loading times and to save space for the game. Kind of miss the backglass shots from PHOFtWC they looked fantastic in HD.
  15. Jim O'Brien

    PS3 Version 2.0.4 (NA) Bugs & Feedback

    NNG quote Bud "Now head for the cellar !" Buzz "You're in the wrong game idiot" ,awesome almost cracked up from laughing to hard, don't think that was in PHOFtWC and I never played this one in real life.
  16. Jim O'Brien

    PS3 Version 2.0.4 (NA) Bugs & Feedback

    Had a few games of both the new tables. Hoping they dim the pop bumpers on NGG they are super bright, maybe it's just because I was playing them at night after work. The ball flew off the table ( right side ) quite a few times on NNG think my score was in the 70 million range. I'm in love with...
  17. Jim O'Brien

    Bugs/problems with BK for PS3...

    Just played the PHOF version of this again and man it is so much better than the Arcade one. Know all about some of the flaws from the older game and one that really stands out was the upper right flipper being to large and blocking a direct shot up the ramp. PHOF Black Knight's ramps were way...
  18. Jim O'Brien

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    Genie well alright ! I can see a lot of people bit**ing about this one being to slow personally it's one of my all time favorites from Gottlieb.
  19. Jim O'Brien


    Not on iOS and Andriod, but good on ya Farsight let's get this rolling for consoles too. Make the tournaments PAPA rules, set those operator menus to hard and let's take the rubber rings off of the inlane posts and raise them all the way up. Also no extra balls or replays if anything could we...
  20. Jim O'Brien

    Pro Mode in Arabian Nights

    I'm interested in the answers to these as well. I'd also be interested in paying the one flat rate price for all operators menus like others have mentioned, than again maybe not just for the fact that the leaderboards are disabled if you open the coin door and start playing around in there...

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