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  1. PiN WiZ

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    Yep...The Pinball Arcade has reached a huge looking back now. :)
  2. PiN WiZ

    Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???

    Since FarSight spilled the beans on Facebook, I'll do the same here. Phantom of the Opera (for platforms that don't have it yet), The Party Zone, Earthshaker, Starship Troopers and The Addams Family should be available on PS3 (NA/EU), PS4 (NA/EU), PS Vita (NA/EU) and Xbox One mid to late March...
  3. PiN WiZ

    Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???

    They will be available for purchase.
  4. PiN WiZ

    Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???

    There are 7 balls total in The Addams Family custom ball pack...4 physics altering balls and 3 ball skins. All 7 balls feature special effects never seen before on any previous custom ball. This is the first true themed custom ball pack and hopefully Mike and Badger will be nice enough to show...
  5. PiN WiZ

    Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???

    Lighting on the PS4 is still a work in progress.
  6. PiN WiZ

    Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???

    The Addams Family PC vs. PS4 Comparison & Pro Tip #1 Another video to wet your appetite as we draw closer to the official release of The Addams Family. Keep in mind that the PC verison in the video is late Beta and the PS4 version is early Beta.
  7. PiN WiZ

    Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???

    Sooner than that... ;)
  8. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    I've just been informed that Christina Ricci's likeness will be restored on the backglass before release so rest assured that Wednesday will be unaltered on the backglass when the table is released. Thanks for the kick in the butt lettuce. :)
  9. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Fester's and Pugsley's faces are altered on the backglass, playfield and in-game flyer due to licensing issues with Lloyd and Workman. Wednesday is untouched on the playfield and in-game flyer but seems to have been altered on the backglass for some reason. I'm inquiring about this at the...
  10. PiN WiZ

    Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???

    It's not as bad as you might think when you're actually playing the table since you're not constantly staring at a side-by-side comparison the entire time. Trust me, it's really not that noticeable.
  11. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    The PS4 version is shaping up nicely and looks great so far, but still a bit of work left before the PS4/Xbox One versions are complete.
  12. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    PC Beta version...strong emphasis on the word "Beta".
  13. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Because it is the Beta....the table already has some fixes and touch ups that aren't present in that video.
  14. PiN WiZ

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Yes, The Addams Family is included in the Season Four Pack / Pro Pack.
  15. PiN WiZ

    Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???

    I haven't been active as a moderator for awhile (lack of updates and very few post modifications) and I deeply apologize for that, but maybe it's time for some Spring cleaning here on the forum.
  16. PiN WiZ

    What's up with season 4 updates for consoles ?

  17. PiN WiZ

    Where is season 4 ? It's releases on PS4 , so where's the month lead ?

    Console owners...keep an eye out next month for a pleasant surprise. ;)
  18. PiN WiZ

    What's up with season 4 updates for consoles ?

    Consoles should get a nice surprise next month. ;)
  19. PiN WiZ

    Pro Pinball

    If there was a more timely and efficient way to digitize real world tables to the quality of Timeshock, I'd be 110% for it. Unfortunately, no such thing exists at the moment.

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