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  1. zmcvay

    Table pack #66 speculation thread

    With A.G. Soccer-Ball to complete the trilogy? Talk about diminishing returns....
  2. zmcvay

    Steam Pricing for Season 7 Table Pack different in game (UK) - doesn't link properly

    It's always been that way, but it does show up in your steam purchases under Account Details. It will just show up as an In-Game Purchase rather than showing the payment method you used. Season Five was the only one that I bought this way, and it moved with the rest of my Steam items from my...
  3. zmcvay

    TV Pinball (Favorite not Best)

    Star Trek TNG for me. Had a real Love/Hate relationship with it for the difficulty playing it in arcades. When I saw it as part of TPA that made the Season 1 pass an instant buy for me. Only ever played Simpsons Pinball Party in VP and just can't get a handle on it there. Hope to play a real...
  4. zmcvay

    Favorite Movie Table (Any Era)

    Post says favorite, not best, so I gotta go with Star Wars (Data East). Had one in an arcade right off campus when I was in college, and for the whole time I was there that machine helped me relax and blow off stress, and those were some very stressful years. After over 20 years, I finally...
  5. zmcvay

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    Make sure you have that quote mark " at the beginning before your drive and after PinballArcade11.exe Alternately, if your drive path has no spaces in it because you installed it somewhere else besides the Program Files directory, you can take the quotes out.
  6. zmcvay

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    Can't remember who originally posted this fix, but under Pinball Arcade Properties in Steam, go to General -> Set Launch Options Enter "<Path to your Steam Directory>\steamapps\common\PinballArcade\PinballArcade11.exe" %command% Example "C:\Program Files...
  7. zmcvay

    Paragon - first impressions

    The option to set Paragon to 5 balls is included in the operator mode in Pro. Honestly, I can see why they went with 3 ball rather than 5. The maximum score is way too low, and keeping the ball count to three means fewer people hit it. There are no sound options there though, the rest of the...
  8. zmcvay

    Pinball Construction Game for kids?

    Thanks for the suggestions, I missed the update about the Zaccaria editor, that might work best when it gets a release. I've got PCS working on my PC, but like most emulated software from the 80's, it's not without issues. I'll try introducing him to it, but I'm not sure it will hold his...
  9. zmcvay

    Pinball Construction Game for kids?

    So my son (age 7) is wanting to make his own virtual pinball tables. I used to play around with Bill Budge's Pinball Construction Set back in the 80's when I was just a bit older than he is now, and I figured something like that must be around, but I'm coming up with nothing so far. The...
  10. zmcvay

    Ghostbusters for pc?

    Way too much in the realm of wishful thinking, but since the iOS Ghostbusters was speculated to be part of a bundle licensing deal with Sony, I don't suppose they could trade back that license for something else now like Johnny Mnemonic?
  11. zmcvay

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    I've had the same problem since the Cactus Jack update, loads, then crashes after a few seconds once the main menu is loaded. I had assumed it was a driver issue since it coincided with an NVIDIA update (GTX 1060), but since no other programs have been affected I haven't tried rolling back the...
  12. zmcvay

    Article on Big Bang Bar up

    Polygon posted an article on the history of Big Bang Bar this morning. Thought it was a good read if anyone is interested. Be nice to see this in TPA someday.
  13. zmcvay

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    I've gotten it at least three times in single ball as well, but if you've gotten the goal I'll keep going. The Kickback relight took a few tries to register as well. Edit: Got it the very next game, wasn't trying for it, didn't even realize extra ball was lit when it triggered.
  14. zmcvay

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    Has anyone managed the Extra Ball Standard Goal on Garage Band? I've gotten multiple from both the band member targets and from brain damage, but the goal hasn't ticked yet.
  15. zmcvay

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    Same problem here. Some buttons will not respond to controller inputs or mouse clicks. I've tried multiple resolutions in landscape and portrait with the same problem. If the "Welcome to Pinball Arcade" screen comes up, I'm hosed and have to Alt-Tab and manually shut the program down. The...
  16. zmcvay

    Stern Pinball Arcade Release Dates

    Sort of! DLC seems to be unavailable. But I have the TPA tables I purchased through Steam showing unlocked!
  17. zmcvay

    Does anyone know when Stern Pinball Arcade will finally be released for Steam?

    It's out! Had little time to play before I running out the door to get family at the airport, but it seemed okay so far. It had all the tables I purchased from TPA unlocked, which was unexpected. However, the DLC store did not seem to be on. Trying to purchase Star Trek just brought me to...
  18. zmcvay

    Bethesda Pinball by Zen

    Elder Scrolls is almost as old as DOOM (TES: Arena came out in 1994, DOOM in 1993), but didn't really hit the mainstream until later installments. Most would probably see the breakout as the third game, Morrowind (2002) as that was the first console release for the main series. Great games...
  19. zmcvay

    Stern Pinball Arcade first impressions

    Since TPA added 0 trophies on PS4 since release, if that's a deal breaker for you, I would say stay away. With the lighting patched, I can't think of any other real issues except the price. I even went in and bought Mustang this last week after the fix. There is no incentive I can think of to...

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