whirlwind funhouse & Taxi absolutely NEED to make it to zen at some point. even if they do not personally love them no one can deny those are not real life competition favorites and some of the most highly respected and loved non-dmd tables of all time by pinball enthusiasts everywhere. eight...
metallica would be so cool! if they do it though (and this goes for all modern sterns like star wars aerosmith batman66 ect ect) I hope they give us the option of pro & limited edition and without buying it twice... at a glace the differences of versions may look small, but they change up...
i sleep eat and breath pinball lol... ive played everything. allot. ive played white water in competition many times and have made some great memories on it, so yeah one of my favorites. not my #1 but definitely top 10
it's all preference really whatever you like is great for you and whatever i...
everything on the wav form looks perfectly consistent, no breaks no volume changes... that does not 100% mean they didnt hide any audio hints but if they did you can't visually notice them on the graph. watched the video sped up to 20min and see nothing either, but if it's just a single or...
im a video editor and animator professionally... downloading now it's 10 gigs, once i have it i can look for any inconsistency in the wav form and speed it up looking for any visuals.
they ended up crediting me 500 tickets for that glitch i was experiencing weeks back where it was forcing me to pay the coin for the extra card flip every game. lost about 30ish coins (all of them at the time). now i have like 3 coins. looks like they fixed that though as it no longer happens...
remember bowling on wii sports? that was pretty decent. like you know with a wii mote & stuff. could work and be cool with a vr style controller where you can mimic the motions, sounds lame if it's on a regular controller. if you like bowling or whatever. I spend allot of time at my local...
what i really want to know is... when will the williams tables get the vr treatment? and why hasn't a patch to increase the resolution been added for ps4 pro and xbox one x yet? all they have to do is test if can run good in 4k and lower the res till it does and add a simple code in it's really...
I was really holding in there thinking something would happen but now that zen is teasing stern i think were officially screwed. Like its done. Over. Doubt they can pull a come back off with just old Gotleibs. They should have digitized the entire old school stern 70's 80's set but they didnt...
Sent a message to zen about it taking zen coins away everytime i complete a challenge and they never responded, it been about a week. What is going on is they give you the option to watch a commercial or pay 1 zen coin to get the extra two cards, when i click commercial it give a failed to...
Well i geuss its sad farsight wont be making its big come back with stern tables like some of us hoped. But zen does do a better job at recreations. you cant even fanboy out and pretend thats not true no matter how much you love what farsight did. Walking dead other than images on the cabinet...
I have too many ideas, more than ill ever get to in my life. Making pinball tables would be awesome but im too focused on animating cartoons. Right now i have that pinball table drawing entered in a t-shirt contest for the new england pinball league. If i win im thinking allot of the league will...
...also give zen a call and tell them their original tables lack being awesome and they definitely should be giving me money for my table ideas because i know exactly what pinball is and should be. This one for example is called Flabbergaster and it is friggin insane. Mr. TV is a manic...
if they specifically made fun of the tables to cover parody laws and the rule sets were originally coded (didnt use any original rom images) all art and animations were redone... then well yeah legally they could mad magazine the models they built and put out stuff like "attack of the double...
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