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  1. T

    Zaccaria Pinall - Update v1.2

    Will other tables be made available for preview? How does Time Machine rate against the other tables?
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    Bug: Launcher/Right Flipper

    So glad the launcher is getting moved! Now it just needs to have the bugs worked out. There is a flip-free zone where the launcher used to be. Tap there and I get nothing. So basically no improvement yet. But I'm guessing the next update will fix this. iPad 2, landscape
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    About the sound effects in Firepower

    When I first played it, I thought there was something wrong with my iPad's speaker. Then I thought "what a terrible sound effect!" Now I like it. Go figure.
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    Request Get rid of the trigger icon unless it's needed

    I really want to like this table, but this trigger drives me insane. Makes the table unplayable for me. If I move my thumb higher to avoid it, I wind up tilting the table. If I play like I normally do, I keep hitting the trigger by accident, which means the flippers don't move.
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    Multi-table challenge...

    Not sure if this has been suggested before... What if there was a mode that required you to meet some challenge on a given table, and once met, you were taken to the next table for the next challenge? You'd have to complete all of the challenges in the series without a single drain. Or make...
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    First game cactus canyon

    Thanks. Now I can't play this table without getting hungry. Agree about the guns... they should be transparent considering you can't sneak a peek around them like in real life.
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    New tables tonight?

    Smooooooooth physics! By the way, is the guy who designed Central Park still alive? I think we need to form a mob and pay him a visit.
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    VPinball cabinet CHEAP&QUICK

    Jutter, I'm looking to put an extension on my house. Do you do any contracting? ;)
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    Advice for first video pinball game

    The Pinball Arcade. Case closed.
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    A VERY dangerous thread!

    Expose a web page where users can raise requests and also vote on them. :D
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    A VERY dangerous thread!

    Configurable button placement for Star Trek. Configurable nudging region on tablets, with a fine line optionally displayed showing where flipping ends and nudging begins. Recently played table filter. So least favorite tables drop to the bottom.
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    Opening Music

    The music and those icons gotta go!
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    I just want to buy Attack from Mars..

    Both play smoothly on my iPad 2, iOS 6. I wonder if certain apps, podcast downloads, etc. lead to stuttery play sometimes. I recently turned off most notifications, unsubscribed to podcasts I never listened to anyway, and I think it may have made a difference. Also freed up 5 or so GB... I...
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    iOS Version 1.2.3 Feedback And Discussion

    Lol... Ditto
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    iOS Version 1.2.3 Feedback And Discussion

    Okay... when is table pack 11 coming out???
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    iOS Version 1.2.3 Feedback And Discussion

  17. T

    Genie iPad 3 Gameplay Video

    +1 billion Italia! Italia!!! Oh yeah this Genie table too.
  18. T

    How many tables?

    Just one more.

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