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  1. Reagan Dow

    ALL of those Lawlor tables

    Z it sure but officially calling a truce. Last post on this asinine subject? (Raise hands now). Please.
  2. Reagan Dow

    EARTHSHAKER ! Shake us up !

    The first table w flippers. Very funny. Now give us your real fav
  3. Reagan Dow

    Table Pack #34 speculation thread

    Kind of like working for the state or federal govt. ;)
  4. Reagan Dow

    ALL of those Lawlor tables

    Thank you nail driver. Ugggh. Try to be a nice guy and this is what happens. Geez.
  5. Reagan Dow

    ALL of those Lawlor tables

    I shall get even with you poo...when you least expect it. :)
  6. Reagan Dow

    EARTHSHAKER ! Shake us up !

    Hardly an "old fart" I' look up to you. Since you were around at the time of Noah's ark that means you have much to teach us. Obviously I'm kidding but please tell us your favorite table. I know myself and many others would love to which table it is and why! Please.
  7. Reagan Dow

    Pinball FLYERS

    Oh...and when I pulled up pictured of "Diamond Lady" I realized she is a HE!!! Yuck!
  8. Reagan Dow

    Pinball FLYERS

    Damn auto correct. I must have hit a wrong key when I I tried to type "pleasantly" surprised. Honestly, apples auto correct sucks my ass!! Sometimes when I actually read my posts later on I'll see stuff like (iOS sucks me ass) when I really meant to say sucks a big fat ass, and stuff like that...
  9. Reagan Dow

    ALL of those Lawlor tables

    U too. It's totally platonic. However it's very funny what you both posted but.....ewwww. Gross. Please NEVER post that crap again. ;)
  10. Reagan Dow

    ALL of those Lawlor tables

    Heritec.,,,,,,YOU'RE FIRED!! ;)
  11. Reagan Dow

    Table Pack #34 speculation thread

    That's why you're always so Gung Ho when I talk to u on the phone. Everything is clicking I to place. ;)
  12. Reagan Dow

    EARTHSHAKER ! Shake us up !

  13. Reagan Dow

    Pinball FLYERS

    And for the record I'd rather the real thing. I was simply saying that in case they had an issue with buying the "real thing" vs a (probably) cheaper table. But Hell Yeah I want the real thing....,,Fathom kicks some serious ass. I'm Beverly surprised it hasn't been released yet.
  14. Reagan Dow

    Pinball FLYERS

    Wow!!! I'm so impressed you got that reference. SWEET!!!
  15. Reagan Dow

    ALL of those Lawlor tables

    Trust me Pop....your English speaking skills are better then 75% of the people that live in America...,but there is an I tiredly different forum for that. Just rest assured that "you teacher learned you good English skills" ;)
  16. Reagan Dow

    EARTHSHAKER ! Shake us up !

    Obviously I'm an idiot. I had quoted the correct person. I'm officially firing myself from this forum for the rest of the night.
  17. Reagan Dow

    Pinball FLYERS

    So maybe if FS won't publish fathom they can do this table. Riiiiight. Bummer it's a great looking table
  18. Reagan Dow

    ALL of those Lawlor tables

    Love them both. I must say though the replay value for Lawlor's tables is quite high. Of course S Ritchie also has some great games as well, one of which is The Getaway and I'm pretty sure we will see it by summer 2015.
  19. Reagan Dow

    Playfield art for the hobbit released

    Like I said...gonna smack myself in the forehead. For some reason I thought you were referencing a specific table. Whack..,. WHACK...,,, Ouch

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