Great news - looking forwarding buying all the DLC once available. The dot-matrix display is much nicer and I think the DMD colour/brightness is the best you can get on a TV. It certainly should NOT be dimmer or less orange - real displays are ultra bright orange.
For those who haven't seen a console version of BOP yet, there is a good 15 min video on BOP on youtube that is worth watching.
That's no reason to beg them. If they are so big then there is no excuse for them not to answer queries from customers particularly when so many customers ask the same question. It's about time people start supporting the competition and break their monopoly.
If you think of how many messages people have sent to this Steam outfit and not one person has had a response, what does that tell you about this bunch. Arrogant and rude. Just who do they think they are. They are worse than Apple - censoring what people can buy. If someone argues that they...
Agreed for any reasonably maintained PC, but for PCs with loads of bloatware installed running in the background, etc., there will be occasional (even though infrequent) lags - in most games you don't notice tiny 'stutters' it but in pinball your eye is on that ball the whole time and it will...
There is a very nice post today over on VPForums where jimmyfingers has written some flipper/physics routines which allow several flipper skills previously not possible. The video link is here:
This is very...
Although the PA tables (and VP tables as a matter of fact) are incredible and amongst the best we can get at the moment, I am sure the future generations consoles and other hardware will allow much much better simulations. Yes we have HD quality now but there are still improvements to be made...
With regards to the flippers taps (where the flipper isn't moving all the way back down), this has been done in Visual Pinball (VP), and it shouldn't be difficult to implement.
A member on vpForums 'jimmyfingers' came up with several tricks including the momentum mod and these flipper taps...
I have been a software developer myself for 25 years and nowadays make a good living specialising in performance tuning and re-factoring over-bloated over-complicated client code and database code that people seem to love writing these days. I would imagine that FS optimise their code as much...
Considering how new the product is, how many tables we have already, the number of platforms supported, the size of the Farsight dev team, I think they are doing a splendid job. Software development is complex - just need to be patient.
As much as I would love to get TPA on my 3-screen VP Virtual Pincab, I wouldn't be prepared to install Steam on it if that is the only way. The VP cabinets take a lot of tweaking to play the VP tables smoothly - ie: Streamlined WinXP install with only 7 or so services running, no Virus checker...
For the cabinet PC version not only do I hope you can fully lock the camera with no moving whatsoever, but a choice to choose the locked position yourself using a completely free roaming camera, configurable on table by table basis. This will be perfect for a Pin Cab (allowing a kind of VP...
Have you got a multi-screen virtual pinball cabinet in your offices yet, and if so please could you tell us about it. Where it came from, how does the PC version of TPA play on it, and are you tempted to get one for your home too?
Valve don't know sh*t from clay. Hopefully Farsight won't use them, because there not many people who will be prepared to pollute their PC setup with that bloated Valve spyware.
It hasn't been hacked. The developers were asked to added a top-down view, and they very kindly did. I think H4cker is possibly referring to the way it can be launched from a front-end and exited using an adapted FPLaunch with Hyperpin.
This means we are in for a treat with the PC version :)
Mike - can I ask if you guys have experimented in-house with a cabinet mode yet for the PC version. Also do you have a virtual cab in your offices yet?
There are no changes that can be made to a TV set to overcome a lag problem within the software or the PS3. People with the wrong TV settings (by wrong I mean with any picture tv processing enabled) will get lag. This coupled with some small lag in the software may be very noticable and for...
Speaking as a sofware developer myself who has worked in a small software house of less than 10 people and a large software consultancy of 100s of developers. *From my experience there is no amount of testing you can do to simulate 10 of thousands of users and bugs will pop up. *The advantage of...
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