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  1. Reagan Dow

    Zen Pinball 2 - Ninja Gaiden Sigma II (PS4)

    So there is no majic button huh?? ;)
  2. Reagan Dow

    Zen Pinball 2 / Pinball FX2 Livestreams

    Would you mind streaming a game or two of Rocky and Bullwinkle? I have iOS/OSX and can't buy it but would love to watch you play it.
  3. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - Devil Riders (1984) Bugs & Feedback

    It's there a reason that the picture is missing of the motorcycle on the back glass? Why just a white cut out?
  4. Reagan Dow

    Worst table of Season 3

    I actual kind of like LCA too. I wouldn't admit that to many people though. ;)
  5. Reagan Dow

    Bug Ghostbusters Stand-Alone App [v1.1.0] Bugs

    Thank you!! It's really annoying. Quite frankly I don't understand what these trolls get out of this.
  6. Reagan Dow

    Complete reinstall all high scores and goals lost. How would you react?

    This would be a perfect time for everyone here to go into the options and manually back up your data both locally and remotely.
  7. Reagan Dow

    Funhouse thoughts

    Thanks for the hint. I thought I was the ONKY one that always lost 2out of 3 balls almost immediately.
  8. Reagan Dow

    Party Zone Screenshots

    Anyway you look at it..... "Dem some UGLY ramps!"
  9. Reagan Dow

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    It's all good. I completely respect your reasons. Unfortunately the closest I've ever come to number one was top ten in the bronze level (iPad mini 2) so I have no idea what it's like to be in the winners circle!! ;)
  10. Reagan Dow

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Happy Halloween Mother F*****s! ;)
  11. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - Shooting The Rapids (1979) Bugs & Feedback

    After I posted this I realized it had been answered. Sorry for my novice mistake. Thanks kolchak
  12. Reagan Dow

    Party Zone Screenshots

    +1 Worse then No Good Gofers and White Water
  13. Reagan Dow

    The Random Thought Thread

    Bad kitty!! ;)
  14. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v2.9

    Now that's some fast responses!! Nice work!!!!
  15. Reagan Dow

    Zaccaria Pinball - Shooting The Rapids (1979) Bugs & Feedback

    Zsolt-has the clown bug been addressed on the Clown table? I know it's been reported multiple times but as of the last update it's still active. the most recent update and Spooky table. Keep up the GREAT work!!
  16. Reagan Dow

    The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

    Did you really pledge money for the love of pinball or because you wanted a gold trophy to put next to your high school track 1st place medal?? Come least you got something for winning the contest!! Most of us don't get that much. Of course, I get the joy of playing the closest thing to...

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