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  1. Rudy

    Developers Options to Force Antialiasing: Beneficial?

    The problem now is that I'm noticing an improvement on my Nexus 7 (1st gen) and I'm not sure if it's because of the 4x antialising or whether it's just the placebo effect :(
  2. Rudy

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #6 - Stern/Data East/Sega (Closed)

    Farsight do have people who they contact to work out how much a licence is worth, maybe they passed on the knowledge that Nugent has a really low licensing fee as opposed to RoboCop or TMNT (film licences)
  3. Rudy

    Will FarSight release a Halloween Themed Table Pack 19 (October)

    The scariest thing I can think of is Popeye and Ace High
  4. Rudy

    No Build Today

    From the sounds of things it looks like I'll have to go out and get some Steam gift cards pretty soon. As fun as it's been to play with the BETA for free, implementing the purchases is the biggest step towards it getting released now the startup crashes are mostly fixed.
  5. Rudy

    T2 Beta

    Anyone have an idea when the next beta revision will hit?
  6. Rudy

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #6 - Stern/Data East/Sega (Closed)

    I haven't played a single one of these but there's plenty that instantly grab my attention. I'm just glad that Wheel of Fortune isn't on here because there's nothing I'd hate more than for such an unfinished game to end up in TPA (and yes, I'm aware of Cactus Canyon) My Choices 1) Rocky +...
  7. Rudy

    High Speed or The Getaway: High Speed II?

    I'd really like to see them come at similar times, much like the Elvira tables (Party Monsters one month and then Scared Stiff the other) and the Universal Monsters (Monster Bash one month, Creature from the Black Lagoon the next). It'd give us a month to get used to the mechanics of the...
  8. Rudy

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #6 - Stern/Data East/Sega (Closed)

    I was voting for it anyway, but looking up that video has shoved it right into my top three picks. It looks so fun to play :D
  9. Rudy

    Table Pack #18 "Speculation"

    This would be an excellent pack.
  10. Rudy

    Construction Set / Original FS Tables

    I think everyone is getting muddled up with the whole idea of a construction set, it wouldn't be for the users (us) but more for designers of other virtual pinball tables to help them port their tables over to TPA using standardised assets. Giving us the tools to make tables for free that...
  11. Rudy

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #5 - Gottlieb/Premier (Closed)

    So when does the poll close, Saturday? Because I was sure the poll used to close on Sundays and then last time it closed on a Saturday.
  12. Rudy

    Beta Vs 0.010

    I'm curious as to what you mean by this, because goals still don't show up for me (at the table select menu) and there's still no visual cue for moving the controller to the right and selecting table goals. Unless this is another bug by me not using post-processing <_<
  13. Rudy

    re-themeing some of the best pins that are impossible to get licencing, good or bad?

    It'd be pointless, part of the reason that so many people have a personal connection to such tables is the theme, and stripping the themes out of tables will remove that connection. Just look at The Shadow and Pinball FX's Tesla: they're basically the same table but the theme sucks the life out...
  14. Rudy

    Why releasing this game in september?

    Let's not forget that the game is featuring almost nightly beta updates, a lot could change between now and September 1st. Plus with Steam, once the game is up and ready to go it doesn't require a four week period to switch it on for everyone else. Edit: Oh, and one last thing, some tables...
  15. Rudy

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    Thanks for that, I just discovered the room list option and managed to log on from there. I was just a little thrown back because I'm not used to irc clients (before my time, sorry :p)
  16. Rudy

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    I'd like to say thanks for the freenode and I've enjoyed chatting to you guys using the web chat thingy, but I can't seem to be able to work it with pidgin So far this setup doesn't flag up any problems, but I can't see anything in my buddy list.
  17. Rudy

    Bug UI: Switching tables causes screen to black out for a second

    Nope, he's talking about scrolling down the tables in table select. There seems to be a single frame of black in between the backglass images changing. The problem only happens when the backglass changes.
  18. Rudy

    Fixed BOP - Missing artwork - Right side of cabinet

    Confirmed here. OS: Windows 7 64Bit Graphics Card: Radeon HD 7800 Ram: 16GB Version: #.008 Display mode: Full Screen Display Resolution: 1920x1080
  19. Rudy

    PC - Bug General - Champion Pub - Ball launch 'Skill shot' not available via keyboard control

    Me too, holding down the button just scrolls the bonuses about five places before stopping in the exact same place.
  20. Rudy

    High Score Initials Entry...getting around the chimes

    As much as I'd love you guys to remove it, wouldn't it create an awkward silence for emulated tables which don't have a movement sound? Plus tables with a non emulated high score system (I can't think of the correct terms, but the sort of high score thing you see with Gorgar, Big Shot etc.)...

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