Here are some impressions of the new book sent into some very famous faces there. I'm still yet to open mine though, it just looks too pretty underneath the shrinkwrap!
Yeah, sadly you can't really compare the quality between machines solely in TPA. My reasoning for comparing TNG and TZ was the sorts of instruments used/how it was composed vs. the actual quality. DCS sounds amazing in person by comparison.
This video probably shows off TNG best :)
If FS were smart, they'd bundle in another semi-popular license with TAF if they decided to do a KS. Like, say, WMS Indy (or something of a similar level of popularity). That'd probably be the best one to do, round out the IPDB top 10.
Yeah, their prices are far too extravagant IMO. Which is a shame, I'd love to have gotten one for my High Speed, but unfortunately I bought mine about a month after they stopped taking orders :(
Big difference in the types of music, though. Look at TZ: It's that very Mega Drive/Genesis-esque synthesized music style, which sounds like basic MIDI from back in the days of old PCs. Whereas everything with DCS onwards uses actual recorded music that's cleverly looped. For an easy comparison...
I love the hell out of the Centaur artwork. If I couldn't get a hold of a machine (which I can, a friend has one he's happy to lend me :D) I'd love a playfield or backglass to use as some kind of art piece. I never noticed the quasi-naked woman between the flippers :o
Comparing Nintendo of the mid-90s with Williams of the mid-90s is kind of absurd. Williams didn't have to evolve their hardware at that time because there wasn't a need to. TAF had just come off selling the most number of pinball machines ever, and people were more than happy working within the...
Good move, human.
My only piece of advice: set it up closer to an angle of modern pins than older ones. I've played a friend's Centaur (and Firepower) that we're closer to 6/7 degrees and at TPF they were setup I think how they were originally in arcades, closer to EM angles at around 5 (I...
Ah, nice. I played Nate from C2C on that in Texas. Beat him :D Some awesome photos here too, dude. I'm glad you didn't skimp on them, it looks like there are some *insane* ones there.
I like your anecdote about Solar Fire, too. That's what I enjoyed most about TPF, was that you get to play all...
I got mine in the mail the other day, yet to crack it open and have a look. Pretty excited about it... so glad Jonathan got his hands on it, rather than have it fade into obscurity. Not bad for such a small operation he's running.
Can't wait for magazine #3, the tribute to Python <3
Oh, I think we're on the same page (at least, in the same book ;) ) but there is literally not the room to have any audio running more than around a minute or so total (a wild guess) at DCS quality (that's without speech or any SFX) on the 6 or so ROM chips that were used in WMS games. The games...
From first-hand experience in playing it, I can tell you... it really isn't that bad at all. It's honestly a lot of fun (aside from dem clunky, thunky Gottlieb flippers from that era).
Well, technically they couldn't have done orchestral pieces. Difference is, the SNES had an instrument bank that allowed devs to compose with those directly (which is why many of these orchestral pieces sounded similar... they drew most sounds from the same building block). It also had variable...
This can be done already with Stern SAM games (from WPT onwards) as there's a user-developed ROM editor which allows users to change basically anything in the game they want... graphics, sound, text etc. for free, no extra hardware required. I know of a few people (via Pinside) who have replaced...
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