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  1. M

    Ball Control Question

    How do you get ball control to work on pc when using a controller? If i press left or right on the d-pad it moves but up and down on the pad does nothing. I see nothing in the options as to what keys on keyboard or controller are used for ball control or how to set them. Anyone got this to work?
  2. M

    Table Of The Month Question

    I don't remember seeing this addressed, but I could be having a brain fart....but do we not get the table of the month to play for free on PC?
  3. M

    Surface Pro 2 Question

    Is anyone running TPA on a Surface Pro 2? I am considering getting one, but want to be able to play TPA.
  4. M

    Android - Request Android Button Question

    A question for developers or anyone that may know how to do it: I play TPA on android on a Galaxy Note 2, and would like to know if there is any way to disable the menu and back buttons only while TPA is active so I can keep my thumbs at the very bottom and not hit them.
  5. M

    Rotation Question

    I just recently staryed playing on my Galaxy Note 2, and it seems to ignore the fact I have rotation locked to portrait. Is there any way to keep it from rotating?

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