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  1. A

    PS4 pricing and discount thread

    Yet they have managed to correctly configure it so that owning the pro table you cannot buy the normal one, not that I would buy it again just to make this work. To be honest I'm already unsure if I will buy it when it IS working until I know if they will be doing the PSN+ discount again. Its...
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    PS4 pricing and discount thread

    It seems that the normal discount pack now "thinks" you do not own a table if you bought the Pro version of it. I only have Pro for STTNG and its saying that is the only table I am missing to be eligible for the upgrade. :sigh: Doubly annoying as I never have used a single Pro feature yet. I...
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    PS4 pricing and discount thread

    Interesting idea, can you have one PS4 set as master on more than one PSN account? Logically you would think yes, but this IS Sony we are talking about.
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    Duo Pinball controller CAN be made to work on a Windows tablet

    In fact it ONLY works on PC. When I refer to tablet I mean only a full blown Windows tablet. It will not work on Windows RT tablets as its a desktop application (and so is Pinball Arcade for that matter). Like I said though, a drawback is that there is no way to nudge as this controller is...
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    How to get more than 60 fps in-game?

    To be fair, FX2 is not a simulation so their optimisation is likely a lot more flexible. I also wonder if their development team are larger. The problem here is having the ROM emulation overhead and the time is takes to get the simulation stuff working on lower powered platforms.
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    Duo Pinball controller CAN be made to work on a Windows tablet

    I think the controller feels quite nice actually, they seem to have used nice mechanical key clicks for the buttons so it feels authentic to my untrained fingers. The plunger reports 64 levels as you pull it further, this is already reported in the application. Its a little more complicated...
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    How to get more than 60 fps in-game?

    We can certainly hope, as the physics engine in general has a lot of room for improvement. Sadly it seems to be held back by what they can do on mobile. I might actually consider getting the Pro upgrades on tables if they included a better physics model into that.
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    Request Realistic flipper physics

    I think a lot of the little things are still way off realistic on PA. Personally I have had very little play time on real pinball machines so its harder to spot exactly what is wrong. However, I have been watching YouTube videos of No Good Gofers and immediately noticed the following. The...
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    PS4 pricing and discount thread

    Well big surprise, the 10% additional off for PSN+ subscribers has expired and Sony STILL hasn't fixed the discount pack.
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    Can anyone recommend a decent gamepad? Xbox 360 gamepad seems a bit crap.

    Looking at the Xbone controller it certainly looks functional to me, but I was pleasantly surprised to find the dualshock 4 actually feels MORE comfortable to me than the Xbox 360 controller did, which had previously been my controller of choice for PC. That said I never had problems with the...
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    Animated Rollover Switches Possible?

    Isn't this also the case with the bumpers/slingshots? I haven't seen VP but comparing video footage of No Good Gofers to the PA, the simulation definitely still needs some work.
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    Request Texture question

    From what I have seen the PC textures look better than the PS4 ones, but of course it can vary from table to table and I only have tried a few on both platforms.
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    Can anyone recommend a decent gamepad? Xbox 360 gamepad seems a bit crap.

    All I hear are complaints about Xbone controller having the bumpers and triggers too close together so you can accidentally press both, and the ergonomics being incompatible with some peoples play styles. Personally I have no problem with the Dualshock 4 bumpers, when they don't stick. I mean...
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    Back button in menu

    Plus all keys are customisable.
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    Bug Very poor audio quality on PS4 version.

    Oh I don't know, perhaps due to the fact everyone is off work for christmas? Even assuming Farsight are crazy enough to work over the holidays how do you expect them to get a patch released by Sony when they can't even get the store fixed so I can actually BUY the damn game in the first place?
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    timeframe on dx11

    I don't believe there is such a thing as DX11 support in the GPU as such. Both OpenGL and DirectX basically do the same thing and its up to the OS GPU drivers to translate both into native GPU instructions. For all intents and purposes PC, Xbox One and PS4 are equal when it comes to GPU...
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    Adjust steepness / pitch?

    Surely this is actually a bug if the tables are not behaving realistic?
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    Duo Pinball controller CAN be made to work on a Windows tablet

    HOWTO: Use the Duo Pinball controller on PC I bought a Duo Pinball for £12.59 off Amazon, a fairly simple Bluetooth device that simulates two flipper buttons and a plunger. Its normally only compatible with Pinball HD Collection on iPad but as I have just bought an Asus Transformer Book T100TA...
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    Can anyone recommend a decent gamepad? Xbox 360 gamepad seems a bit crap.

    I believe they have DS4 working over wireless too but by using it over USB on PC it remains paired with the PS4 over Bluetooth.
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    The PS3 "super patch"

    Its my understanding that any bugs fixed in the PS4 build are included in the PS3 patch.

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