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  1. P

    Why I stopped buying tables

    Hi guys. Sorry for the title but unfortunately It is true. I have been a big supporter of TPA since the first day, given many money for each Kickstarter , but today I dont play anymore. I did not buy any of the season 5 table I think It is mainly because tables dont evolve graphically. Tables...
  2. P

    Post processing

    Farsight recently answered me on facebook about post processing. I asked them to use the extra power of iPad Air to have a descent lightning management and they told me that it is not possible for them. And then they indicated me to use the post processing option... Hum... If I remember well it...
  3. P

    Request Stop selling two tables at the same time please

    First I want to say that I appreciate the farsight work. But I really don't like the old tables released with modern ones. Before it was possible to choose but now I must buy two tables at 4.49€ to play only one. The older is usually uninteresting (for me). I don't want especially to launch a...
  4. P

    Tables and prices policy of FS

    Hi guys. I know that pinball fans are various. I am in the category of players who really doesn't like old tables with only 3 things to do. Perhaps because I am only 36 years old. The problem is that, now, I don't have the choice. Before it was different, I could choose wich table I wanted...
  5. P

    How to save high scores?

    Hi guys. I have changed my ipad 2 times since the beginning of the year. Ipad3 -> ipad 4 16go -> ipad 4 64go The first time, I lost all my high scores. I said to myself I did something wrong when saving on my PC. The second time, my save was ok because I could find the data of my other games...
  6. P

    Real time Lighting

    Here is a text from the forum : Day/Night Mode Lighting : FarSight is planning to add day and night mode lighting in the future. Currently on mobile, this would require twice the textures for each table and FarSight doesn't have the bandwidth in their art staff to do this for every table at...
  7. P

    Bug iOS 5.1 - ipad3

    I was at and the Ball has disapeared somewhere in the table... :mad:
  8. P

    Request Please lower the brightness of the tables

    There was an attempt with the last update of MM but lights are too dark for the moment. With darker environnement we should see lights clearly, like real tables. For instance, ripley or funhouse are really too bright. Thank you.
  9. P

    Request Day and night playing view

    Hi everybody, Hi FS studios. I think it would be very nice to choose between light on and light off in the room where tables are. Tables are really bright and it would be nice to be able to switch off the light. What about this? In the same way, I really hope for light improvement with iPad...

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