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    Steampunk Pinball Cab

    As some of you know I have been working on building a cab to play Pinball Arcade games using real controls. I have just finished it and made a short video of it below. Apologise for not having any shots with Pinball Arcade tables running on it, they do work with it obviously. However the...
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    Request Top Down Fullscreen static view.

    There have been a number of threads requesting a top down fullscreen static view to be implemented in Pinball arcade but no one from Farsight has responded to these threads to date. Id' really like to know from someone from Farsight if it's planned to be implemented?
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    Full Screen - Screen View

    I would like to create a mini Pinball table using Pinball arcade just like some have done full size by using Future Pinball etc. However, I have looked at the different views available for the tables and none appear to encompass full screen view from a high top down perspective. Is this view...
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    Request Please provide wiimote, icade and icontrolpad support

    I hate playing old time games with touch controls. Is it possible to add support for the wiimote, icade and icontrolpad to pinball arcade on ios?. That way we have the option of using real controls.

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