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  1. A

    Wizard goals that you just can't do

    I've only completed all the wizard goals on Bride of Pinbot, Gogar, TotAN and Taxi. I always seem to get hung up on 1 wizard goal I can just never get on most tables. Big Shot: Score 250,000 - Impossible for me. Tried at least 100 times. Black Hole: Score 500,000 from Lower Level - Gotten...
  2. A

    So how did Star Trek turn out?

    You only have to look for a second to see how awful it looks compared to the PS3 version, but its very playable and I'm enjoying it on the vita. So far I haven't run into any major technical issues so I will take that. Any time I start to feel negative about the past few releases I go and play...
  3. A

    Star Trek: TNG Kickstarter Codes

    No big deal to me, but the email did say it was for the Pro version. Probably a mistake. I'm also just happy to have the table. I've never even used the Pro mode on TZ.
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    Has anyone received their kickstarter code yet?

    The codes are now working, but it seems many people are not getting the promised pro version.
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    Star Trek: TNG Kickstarter Codes

    Mine is the same. Worked but only for the regular version.
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    Has anyone received their kickstarter code yet?

    Codes for Star Trek are going out now. I got mine but it was invalid. Hopefully that is an isolated error and they didn't get a big batch of bad codes from Sony.
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    Patched today

    I guess there is no reason to hope they fixed Black Knight.
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    Star Trek: TNG Kickstarter Codes

    Codes are going out now. Mine was invalid.
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    Twilight Zone for the Vita has terrible graphics.

    I believe the only hope we have for the majority of the issues with TPA across all versions of the game including Vita to ever get fixed is for Farsight to go out of business and for the licenses to get picked up by a competent developer. The odds of that are slim so we have to either deal with...
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    Worst release so far?

    Any improvements are welcomed, but what Farsight has done to this table is a travesty. I grew up playing Firepower and Black Knight. I played them non stop in the Pinball Hall of Fame releases. Now I can barely bring myself to play one of my all time favorite tables it is so butchered for this...
  11. A

    Twilight Zone for the Vita has terrible graphics.

    I think this has a lot to do with them giving away most of the Vita versions. They made the game cross buy so PS3 buyers are getting it free. They aren't putting any resources into a free version. This really sucks for people that primarily play it on the Vita. Farsight has made TPA a pretty...
  12. A

    Free $10 Playstation Store Credit

    I have it too. Mine will go towards the Star Wars tables from Zen next week. I was tempted by the pro packs, but after tinkering with the Twilight Zone one I just don't see how these are worth $4 when the tables themselves are only $2.50.
  13. A

    big shot in a few days... finally the wait is over!

    I'm loving Big Shot. I will take these 70s tables over the 90s ones any day.
  14. A

    big shot in a few days... finally the wait is over!

    Man totally missed there was a pro pack available. Now I will have to pay an extra buck for it.
  15. A

    Elvira Scared Stiff - Need help getting "Save a ball with The Spell" standard goal

    I got this one no problem on the Vita but I have completed it 3 times on the PS3 version with no goal unlocked. Twice was during multiball so that definitely messes up the goal. Once during regular play. Ball goes down the lit left side, gets saved and no goal. As usual a fantastic table is...
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    Two minor glitches

    I have also run into this bug on the Vita version. It's a rare bug for me, but did kill a huge score run I had going when I got it.
  17. A

    what do you think about table pack 5?

    I agree. Taxi plays much more realistically to me on the Vita. The ball seems to move a bit too fast on the PS3 and the right flipper shots are more accurate for me on the Vita version.
  18. A

    Pack #5 Initial Thoughts...

    I did get the bug of locking the ball and not having the second ball come out in Taxi. It makes the game impossible to finish and one of the times it happened I lost a huge score run. Disappointing, but overall I can deal with the rare bugs, but really hope they are able to fix these in future...
  19. A

    Request We need a zoom on the Crazy Steps

    This shot is impossible for me on this version. I am missing this standard goal on every platform I have played. The plunger in TPA is too inaccurate for me to make this one. Zoom would definitely help.
  20. A

    I want to throw a chair through this machine's glass!

    I hated this machine. I rarely got mad playing pinball, but this is one machine that annoyed me so much I refused to play it back when it was in the local arcade.

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