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  1. T

    1.2.2 Now Out! (Feedback & Discussion Thread)

    I really dislike the position of the launcher. Man, it's right where I tend to tap for right flipper on the iPad.
  2. T

    Well I just got this table... [iOS]

    And ho-lee **** is the launcher in a bad place. It stays on screen right where my thumb hits for the right flipper. Oy. It's a fun table. I seem to be a bit better at the physical table, though. I keep draining on the outlanes on this one. :-(
  3. T

    Is the camera shot too hard?

    Thanks. Gotta admit though, I am so new to pinball I am not at all able to be that coordinated yet. :-)
  4. T

    iOS - Request Multitasking

    I've noticed this all, too. You guys may simply want to try closing more background apps. (Even those in the tray.) iOS will kill any app it deems necessary-to-kill when it needs resources. I don't know all the goings on behind the scenes, but I think resource intensive apps would get the boot...
  5. T

    Stern Avengers Pics

    oooh. Can't wait for Fifty Shades of Gray LE.
  6. T

    TZ speed

    Definitely noticed it was slower when I played the free version but it seemed to get faster after I bought the table. This is actually something I find a little frustrating and/or mystical about virtual tables. I understand nothing about trying to program real world ball physics. With a...
  7. T

    Is the camera shot too hard?

    So, the whole idea is to tap the upper right flipper to shoot the ball toward the camera and hold the upper left flipper up so you have a better chance of getting the camera?
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    TZ: Too easy = fail

    How does the PS3 implement 2-stage? Two distinct buttons like L2/L1?
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    Request Suggestion for the Table Difficulty Issues

    Are you sure it's not "triangle-thingy?" ;-) Read all of your blog posts, btw. I enjoyed them.
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    Request Suggestion for the Table Difficulty Issues

    I can do ... something, although I don't know what it's called. After I catch a ball and it settles at the base of the flipper, I can quickly flip. The ball will hit the bottom edge of the triangle-thingy and get enough velocity to cross the ball over to the other flipper. Not sure what all...
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    Request Suggestion for the Table Difficulty Issues

    Like NFL players and butts? "GG TOTAN! GG!"
  12. T

    Request Suggestion for the Table Difficulty Issues

    I'm not a big guy and have always wondered about this. There's a recent video of someone playing Wizard of Oz who seems to effortlessly nudge left and right regardless for the machine's actual weight. I can't tell if I'm not pushing hard enough or the machine really is that heavy.
  13. T

    Request Suggestion for the Table Difficulty Issues

    I'm very new to TPA and even newer to Pinball, the game, so take my comments lightly, please. I am also playing exclusively on iOS. I saw that TZ was available and knew that it was supposed to be a good game. I tried the free version a few times and felt that the ball was very, very slow. Now...
  14. T

    Anyone else get stuck in the menus? (iOS or Android)

    So, the folks from The Pinball Podcast posted a video over the weekend of them getting stuck in the after-play menu. I've pasted a link to the video below. Although some folks have replied on Twitter and FB stating they have seen that problem, I haven't seen that particular one. TPP is on...

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