From watching the tutorial pasted in above I noticed two things. 1. It seems that in RL, the gravity seems to be much stronger or maybe the table is just really waxed because to me the ball seems to be much faster, and the reaction of the ball off the bumbers and the flippers themselves seems to...
Hey, way cool! That's a great tutorial and great site! I have never seen that before but I have a feeling that is going to be my new friend!! I will have to agree, that is what killed my last game where I mentioned hitting 22 mil! The silly multiball (which I had gotten for the first time(s)...
Oh wow! LOL I could not even imagine a score anywhere near that, though I did get 23 mil 1 time and 1 time and now that I learned something new which is that the flippers are in fact smaller, as you guys called them "Lightning Flippers" I now understand better how to play it by being a bit...
Thank heavens it's not just me! For a while there I was starting to wonder if I just suck... But on the other hand, I got the highest score in the game leaderboard on Mars Attacks... Now, that's certainly not the all time leaderboard or anything, I'm merely speaking about the one that pops up at...
Ok, So I have sen others comment about Fishtales and shots draining, but I have to ask, is it just me, or does Fishtales just seem to be ridiculously difficult? I don't just mean with the balls draining down the center either. It seems like no matter what, the magnets always seem to steam the...
Ok, so hear goes..... Price of the TV and my finances are a moot issue, and not for this forum not anyone else but me... As for the TV it's the Sony Bravia 55in 4K. It was actually rated by CNET as the best gaming TV on the market at the time of it's writing which I don't know when that was, but...
OOOOOOOOOOOOOK........ Got it... TPA! My bad, remind me to insure to use correct acronyms with the Bemused Old Man is in the house! LOL I will be sure to type correctly in the future! :)
I played Madden last night for the first time, and, well, never having played on a console until the PS4...
Hey Dan, I never would have even thought to look into that only because I don't see such a lag on any other game, just PBA. Every other game I play such as COD Ghosts doesn't seem to have such a lag so I would doubt that it would be any input lag, though it doesn't hurt to take a look from that...
Thanks Mate :) Yeah PS4 is amazing! I have never been a console person, always played PC games. But I recently bought a Sony 55in 4K 3D LCD HDTV..... Well, the likely progression was to get the PS4 which since it up converts to 4K on the TV, OOOOOOOOOOO BABY!!!! I have never seen such beauty! I...
Yeah I know I do. I take full responsibility for being lazy... My problem is, I never seem to find what I am looking for in old posts because I don't stay on top of the forums. Trying to find it takes me for freaking ever and I really can't spend all day looking. I get impatient and pissy when I...
Okies, So I have a slight issue that I so far have only noticed in Twilight Zone, but it causes a serious problem with playing the table. The problem is in TZ, when I hit the flipper, there is like a half second delay from when I hit the button for the flippers, to when the flippers actually...
Hey all,
I know, well, I am sure this has been asked and answered like 100 times but I am tired and burned out and can't seem to find it, but my question is, how come there is only season 1 available for PS4? I just bought myself a PS4, and this is my first console ever. I currently have bought...
Perhaps I posted this question in the wrong spot? I would love to get a handle on how the points are tallied and why some tables don't tally them at all (as far as I can tell). Should this be in the general forum? Could someone either help me understand these things or tell me which forum I...
Ok, I get it now. So this basically only affects GoogleTV, so as long as the "mini-pc" does not identify itself as GoogleTV, then he should be able to install it on it. At that point, if he can see it / install it, then he may have to worry about the GPU concerns. Well, I would like to thank you...
Thanks, I see it now. Missed the mouse before. I guess I am just stuck with one last piece here I do not really understand. If the code does not have to be compiled based on the device, then can you explain to me why m Google TV which has Android 3.2 can not even see TPA yet is has a later...
Hey Baron Rubik, do you work for TPA or just a long time TPA user? I am just curious... Also I will try connecting a controller and see if that helps, however, since I have reinstalled those few tables, the problem appears to be gone for now... Why? I don't really know unless there really was...
Thanks jaredmorgs, I did in fact list some of the tables in which the problem occurs.. The examples in my post were "Harley Davidson, Funhouse. Genie, Monster Bash and many others".
I did list some of this data, but to clarify with some additional info, I am running the following:
My bad on that statement that if is compiled based on device, this was the advise that I was passing along that an Android developer told me when I asked him why I could not install or access his app, which is just a basic Device Info app, and when trying to install that app on my Google TV it...
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