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  1. M

    New tables?

    Two issues about farsight I think everyone has a right to know.... 1-They said when they first started a year ago that they advertised they would be releasing tables EVERY month, not this erratic system that they are currently doing....That could be considered false advertising to a great many...
  2. M

    The PS3 "super patch"

    sorry for the mistype above...
  3. M

    The PS3 "super patch"

    They also still need to ad the fix to the yellow dome lights not working on cirqus Voltaire....They STILL no longer work after tis new mega patch!!!!!
  4. M

    The PS3 "super patch"

    We are still waiting on the yellow dome light fix on cirqus Voltaire (ps-3) version.....
  5. M

    The PS3 "super patch"

    Please add the fix for the (yellow) dome lights not flashing like they used to since the mega patch was released on Cirqus Voltaire.....
  6. M

    The PS3 "super patch"

    Does Farsight know about the cirqus Voltaire yellow dome lights not flashing issue???
  7. M

    The PS3 "super patch"

    The (Yellow) dome lights on CV are not working like before....PLEASE, can someone help me as to how to fix this issue??? Other that that, it plays great...
  8. M

    PS3 NA v2.20 Discussion and Feedback

    Cirqus Voltaire Issue.....(PS-3) (Yellow)Dome lights are no longer working with this new patch... is there a way to get them to work again? Other than that everything is working GREAT!!!!!
  9. M

    The PS3 "super patch"

    Cirqus Voltaire Issue..... (Yellow)Dome lights are no longer working with this new patch... is there a way to get them to work again? Other than that everything is working GREAT!!!!!

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