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  1. B

    Game of month advertisement goes to wrong website

    I've been really enjoying playing tee'd off as game of the month, but I've noticed something peculiar with the advertisement going to instead of Has anyone else noticed this? It doesn't bother me, but I thought I would raise it as the sponsor may not be...
  2. B

    Hello from another Aussie

    Thanks nightwing for the links, I will check them out, and thanks to the other blokes for saying g'day. Now to find that drop bear, I know he's here somewhere...
  3. B

    iOS - Flipper goes dead after holding for too long

    I have not had the flipper go dead, but I've had the right flipper get stuck in the up position on the Sinbad table until I tap the screen left or right flipper again. I'm using the ipad 2.
  4. B

    Hello from another Aussie

    I am very new to the forums and thought I would write a post to introduce myself. I live in canberra, Australia and played pinball as a teenager in the arcades and previously played pinball on the ps2. I downloaded TPA recently on the ipad and that got me hooked again, and I am looking at...

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