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  1. G

    BAM for TPA is available c/o Ravarcade Occulus rift support for BAM/Future Pinball in beta available at GoPinball Some glitches but it works on DK1and DK2 Well done Ravarcade !!!
  2. G

    Oculus Rift Support?? Occulus rift support for BAM in beta Some glitches but it works on DK1and DK2
  3. G

    BAM for TPA is available c/o Ravarcade

    Not familiar with the nuances of NoEx mod BAM with TPA Will allow headtracking from all sources imaginable And Ravarcade is currently working on VR (occulus rift etc.. ) support for FP and TPA
  4. G

    BAM for TPA is available c/o Ravarcade

    This is a FYI that BAM for TPA cabinet mode has been released and works beautifully with head tracking or static mode Here is a video link:
  5. G

    Discussion thread about the FreeCamera Mod

    Hi everyone, This is an FYI that BAM has now been implemented for TPA cabinet mode and head tracking works beautifully or you can play in BAM static mode Here's a video link...

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