I haven't had time to really play the tables but is the different camera views intentional on Circus Voltaire? All the other tables you can get that full screen cabinet type feel with camera view 2. With CV
you get the big chunk of the backglass. I thought View 3 would work but then you...
I have plenty of Zen coins built up but I almost bought the tables so I didn't have to grind and just play.. Pretty crappy when you can buy the two tables for 9.99 on Steam but pay 9.99 and only get two stars progress on Mobile.
After near complete silence for a year other than tournament notifications it certainly appears that way. I know losing the license was a huge loss and they would need time to regroup but the complete silence certainly
doesn't give me any reassurance that they are commited to TPA whatsoever...
Akos directly responded to me a few days after Volume 4 dropped regarding this as well. I accidently hit the 200 coin 4th challendg purchase as well as bought 1000 coins (when I already have 40K) by accident.
It is way to easy to accidently push on of these while scrolling and he agreed he...
No issues with FCM directly launching tables from PinballArcadeCabinet.Exe (Arcooda) for me. I fired up 3-4 diffent ones and they all launched as expected.
I'll check CabinetMode tonight and see if I can duplicate. I updated FCM yesterday but I think I only tested a few of the TPA DX11 version only since the CabinetMode was working with last build.
NoEx - after a long hiatus it looks like TPA released an update. Build 1.71.24 has been released. It looks like just the DX9 and DX11 versions were changed though. The PinballArcadeCabinet.exe does not have a new date on the excecutable.
Confirmed PinballArcadeCabinet.exe (Arcooda)...
I got a reply from Akos yesterday regarding my issues with the constant changes along with my comment about adding a confirmation when you buy something with coins/tickets. He agreeds that they need to add
a confirmation to prevent accidental purchases. Hopefully that is something Zen will...
I did email Zen to express my displeasure with the constant changes. I also asked them to look at adding some confirmation on the zen coin purchases. I hit the 200 coin challenge purchase by accident as well as bought 1k tickets over the last few weeks which was highly irritating
Zen stikes again, 5 part loot box changed back to 20 zen coins and still no challenges to earn parts for volume 4. Enough Zen, after 4 packs you should have a handle on this by now.
Anyone else on Android lose the new Volume 4 time challenges? The tab is still there but can't access anything. Another day, another Zen change.
Appears the only way to earn parts is the booster pack which is now only 12 coins over the previous 20.
I am nearly to the point where I am...
I am not getting any part drops for any of the new tables at this point. I have everything unlocked so I am still only getting tickets and Zen coins. I grinded the last few weeks and am sitting at 30K tickets and 615 coins. Hope
they change whatever they need to so I can start collecting...
I did the same. Added HBONow just so I could watch the last season and then just binged watched Seasons 1-3 of Deadwood in prep for the Movie launch. Forgot how much I loved that show. What a shame they cancelled it and left it
like that at end of seasons 3.
I have been in a mad Zen Coin collecting rush. Having all the tables maxed out is a great way to horde coins in preparation for the next pack. I have Zen coins and tickets to unlock volume 4 once I collect all the
parts. In the mean time I am going to continue to grind the challenges for...
Fish tales is far from my favorite table but looks wise in FX3 it is by far in my opinion. It might be just the colors the table uses but it is so realistic and just pops.
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