Speaking from my own personal experience (and I'm sure this option was available on other games, as well): The RL version of Big Hurt has a "buy another ball" feature at the end. Is there any way to simulate that in TPA? It sure would be nice to play a game with five or six balls instead of...
DX9/PC: The last time I started TPA, I did have a glove. It's weird that it wasn't there the first time I played. And FWIW, it really wasn't there--it's not just that it was invisible or something. I could shoot the ramps 100% of the time, no glove-stoppage at all.
So apparently this is an...
This was the table I cut my teeth on in my youth. I'd get an hour for lunch at work on campus, head over to the student union, eat in ten minutes, and then see how long I could play on two dollars. I got good enough that there were several times I had to leave credits and even whole games to...
DX9/PC: No glove.
iOS: 1) Somehow I constantly pause the game with the left flipper. No understanding of how this happens.
2) Can barely enter initials. PC is fine, but iOS, when I try to enter my usual pinball handle of ONX, I often barely get to OG before time runs out. The arrow blinks...
And now it's gone from the tablet, as well. This makes NO sense. I've lost scores that were, for me, huge, and the result of hours of trying. I'm so mad I may never play this game again. (Okay, that's probably an exaggeration, but still!) How can the system for high scores be so simplistic...
Nope, I spoke too soon. I went back to my desktop and started TPA, confident that the newer Steam Cloud file would be downloaded and overwrite the old, bad one... NO. Goodbye high scores and goals AGAIN. This is unbelievable.
Well, I just lost all my scores, including a couple of completed sets of Wizard Goals. Steam Cloud decided that it would just overwrite what was online with a completely new set of scores.
WHY in the world are scores not versioned? Why in the world can FarSight not do something about this for...
Sorry for the necro-post, but I just beat the GF for my first time on PC (I did it ONCE on another platform--PS3?), and this is the only place where people understand what I'm saying about ToM. My wife will just roll her eyes.
Still, GF! Woo-hoo!
I tend to think of VP as a PC and TPA as a console: They both have their strengths. For the casual player, TPA is the way to go, hands-down: buy a table, download it, it runs. Sure, there are occasional bugs, but the program overall is "plug-and-play." VP can be a bear to set up, but the...
I have *zero* interest in the White Sox, almost none for baseball (fair-weather Cubs fan here -- think about it), and very little for sports in general. Big Hurt was the first table I ever felt like I "mastered." I eventually played all the modes, beat every possibility, had all the high...
It's always interesting to me how diverse pinball really is/was. I've heard of maybe one of these games, whereas my favorite table of all time, Frank Thomas Big Hurt, gets virtually no love at all. :-/ Them's the breaks, I guess, and TPA has introduced me to so many great tables...
If I had the skill to control making that happen, I'd be all over it. :-) Instead, I must bemoan my pitiful existence and pray to the pinball gods to send me a 1-2 something.
I did check my firewall. PinballArcade.exe was set to "auto" and I changed it to "allow." Still I couldn't log in with the password that I've confirmed multiple times on the pinballarcade.com site. So I reset my password through the game... and that seemed to do the trick. I'll have to try...
I'd like to add my voice to this. I have a small Windows tablet and I can't use it to play TPA. Everytime I pick it up, I die a little inside because a PC without TPA is like a night without stars. (choke! sob!)
Seriously, if a fix can be figured out, the five of us out there with Windows...
I see that the Shield's native button mapping can be made to work here. Interesting, but still not a true replacement for controller support. Better than nothing, I suppose.
I have no game programming experience. Is mapping touch controls to buttons really that hard at the developer level?
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