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  1. J

    Official Announcement.

    Ah! I wish I had seen this earlier. Well, TPA Support got back to me, and their advice was along these lines... Ultimately, I had to go to the Store via the website and pretty much do the same. Some tables showed as Free, some were blank and I had to do the same routine you did. A "Restore...
  2. J

    Official Announcement.

    So I went ahead and purchased the Regular seasons that I needed on PS4 (Seasons 3-7)... While many unlocked right away (with the "All tables purchased!" upon opening a Season folder), I had to individually "buy" (which all came up Free) and downloaded the tables from Seasons 4 and 5... except...
  3. J

    Official Announcement.

    Darn... Well, thanks for the replies and the information.
  4. J

    Official Announcement.

    I saw that this was asked above, but I didn't see an answer - anyone know yet if purchasing regular Seasons will allow us to upgrade them to Pro later? I'd like to buy the 4 Seasons I have outstanding on PS4 and save $40 in the process if I can.
  5. J

    PS4 NA v1.00 Master Bug List

    I'd like to add to the nudge bug, if it will help FS track it down. I've had it happen on both Big Shot and Black Knight so far, and it always seems to happen after I load the table after having played another table first. In other words, if I select one of those tables first after launching...
  6. J

    What else are you looking forward to on PS4?

    Well, Zen DID announce that ZP2 will be cross buy for PS3, PS4, and PSVita.. Personally, I prefer TPA over Zen, but I'll take the free game and tables that I've already purchased. :)
  7. J

    An Afternoon At FarSight Studios

    Great write up! I really wish all the trolls would take the time to read something like this. I don't even go through the comments anymore when FS posts an update. It has gotten to be just pathetic! I'm a software developer who is part of a very large team. I can tell you that it is never an...
  8. J

    Vote for a classic Bally table! (Closed)

    I've been hoping to see 8BD recreated ever since The Pinball Arcade was announced! I spent a lot of hours playing the original AMTEX emulation on PC years ago, so it gets my vote. :)
  9. J

    Whats the worst score you got on this table?

    7,000 today... I lost 3 balls due to that $&@#! Ball through the Flipper bug... And is it just me, or does anyone else think that the ball shoots off in weird directions when deflected off of the very ends of the flippers? I've lost count of how many times I've lost the ball because it shot off...
  10. J

    Love this table but some little things should be added to make it more EM like.

    One other thing that you can add about the EM scoreboard - it would be nice if when starting a new game, the reels actually reset to 00,000, instead of just instantly popping up that way... That would just add to the authenticity. :)
  11. J

    Comment by 'JCChaconJr' in article 'Time To Kick FarSight's Greenlight Project Into OVERDRIVE...VOTE For The Pinball Arcade On Steam Greenlight NOW!'

    Such a shame. I tried voting, but couldn't, since the greenlight website wouldn't properly let me cast my vote from my iPhone, and I've had almost NO time to get on my desktop. :( The only other distribution sites that I'm aware of (aside from the new Win8 Games store) are EA's Origin (wouldn't...
  12. J

    Forcing a table update?

    Oh, this is on iPhone 4 btw...
  13. J

    Forcing a table update?

    It's my understanding that MM's "flipper gap" issue was addressed some time ago, but after a few updates, my version of the table still has the wide gap. I also found it kind of odd that after the latest update (to support table pack 6), I had to re-download all tables EXCEPT MM. Is there any...
  14. J

    Black Knight bugs

    If no one else has reported it (iOS), has anyone else had their high scores/goals disappear? I'm not sure if it's related to the fact that I was playing during lunch at the office (where there's no cell signal) and had been playing as a Guest since I couldn't connect, but playing at home after...
  15. J

    Buying 1st PS3, help me out...

    Hi all! I just wanted to add a few things... Bluetooth stereo headsets will work - But they only work to transmit chat audio. Sony's PS stereo headset will do simulated 7.1 stereo sound AND chat audio. Technically, it's a Bluetooth headset, but uses a special dongle in order to work its magic...
  16. J

    Game stutters and slows down after 300k

    I haven't gotten a score that high since the update, but I have noticed that there is a definite and momentary stutter each time the ball hits the pit. I'm guessing that this might be related to the issue that causes BK to start stuttering severely after hitting 1 Mil. I don't know HOW I was...
  17. J

    Tables for the rest of the year?

    I for one hope that FS eventually gets their simulation engines completed, which would really help in their development. One table that I'm somewhat surprised hasn't really come up is Eight Ball Deluxe. This game is a true classic, IMHO, and has its own fame, given that a fairly great...
  18. J

    Bug Merlin's Magic two-balls-in-the-saucer bug

    I saw this yesterday while playing myself. Definitely a bug... Perhaps collision detection doesn't work properly when the ball "drops" from the play field's surface, such as when it drops into Merlin's saucer.
  19. J

    Bug *PS3* The pinball is going through the right flipper!

    It's not just the right flipper. On iPhone, I just had a ball coming down the table fast, ricochet off of the base of the right bumper, and right through what I'd say was the outer 3rd of the left flipper. I was shocked to say te least, lol. Anyway - having said that, it's not necessarily tied...
  20. J

    Backdoor Billion

    Yep, on iPhone, I personally time it and hit the flipper when the ball rolls into the center of the red/yellow graphic that runs down in front of the flippers. It works for either side. ;)

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