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  1. darkuni

    Android TV support?

    Yeah, but I need a pointing device to use it - and for some reason, NVidia says that Google won't allow them to activate the track pad pointer on Android TV. It is a shame.
  2. darkuni

    Android TV support?

    Any activity on this? Zen is fine, but I need me some BK2000 on my Shield TV!
  3. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    Yeah, that's about it. We need at the VERY least, keyboard equivalents for everything. A simple config screen would be best; allowing us to map either keys or game pad controls to any action in the game.
  4. darkuni

    Android 1.9.0: Feedback and Discussion

    TNG on the Nexus 10 is just .. completely unplayable. I verified several other tables still played fine. I don't know why, but TNG drops frames like MAD, stutters, jumps around. Of course, the orientation issues previously mentioned. The portrait/landscape really affects people that play...
  5. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    I already made one for the Nexus 7 in portrait. Direct Download:
  6. darkuni

    Request Pro Mode (operator menu), and how this affects local high scores

    YES PLEASE! I am just getting this bucket of bolts App back together - we don't want Pro scores infecting our work. :)
  7. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    I've added it all to Green Robot Gamer!
  8. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    This shows you essentially what I did to create the config.
  9. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    Android folks, I'm pleased to announce a near-fully functional USB/BT Joystick Center configuration file for Pinball Arcade! The downside is that it requires USB/BT Joystick Center's add-on, Joy2Touch to allow me to properly map the controls - Pinball Arcade has NO physical controls support...
  10. darkuni

    TPA featured on RetroGaming Radio (July 2012)

    Hey gang, I promised coverage of the product on my podcast this month, and it has been done :) Get the show, etc. here: If you aren't interested in the rest of the show, skip to 2 hours 10 minutes it. Enjoy!
  11. darkuni

    Bug Android Version 1.0.10 Bugs

    I was thinking more along the lines of something IN APP that lets you "unlock" beta or incomplete tables.
  12. darkuni

    Bug Android Version 1.0.10 Bugs

    To keep PR issues to a minimum ... maybe a "beta" group or an "opt in" focus group would make sense. It sounds like there is a closed beta going on - but it doesn't seem to be getting the same feedback as the "released" product. Perhaps a special opt in group to better bang on these scripted...
  13. darkuni

    Video Tutorial: How to play TPA with a Wii Controller

    Wii controller, USB/BT Joycenter and rooted Android device required.
  14. darkuni

    The Six Million Dollar Man

    Pretty sure Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas, NV had one when I went up there last. Didn't get to play though :(
  15. darkuni

    Request Autologin feature

    Might encourage cheating somehow - but I'd still like this.
  16. darkuni

    Please add Xperia or physical button mappings....

    Thanks Ryan. Anything will do - most of us can remap :) Nik, yes, you can always do "touch mapping" but it's clunky. I know SixAxis let's you do profiles, but I'd prefer to use USB/BT which DOES touch mapping, but no means to save/reload it. Still needs root, of course.
  17. darkuni

    Request Autologin feature

    Thanks Ryan. I hope the login servers offer up a bit more stability too. I literally have been on ONCE - every other time? Login issues.
  18. darkuni

    Google Play update vs. Amazon Appstore

    As I understand it - Amazon App Store has a vetting/approval process - similar to Apple. In fact, I heard that they are INSISTING on "excellent" display on Kindle Fire before they will let it in the store. Google Play? The author can release the product immediately with ZERO approval process.
  19. darkuni

    You are expanding too fast, and significantly damaging the quality of your product.

    I hear you with this, man. I feel kinda bait and switched on this release. I'm an Anti-Facebook guy; so for me, Facebook is out of the question. I made a public vow that when Facebook was removed from leaderboards, I'd start buying tables. So, when this release came out, I updated and bought...

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